The savanna The savanna is located in south eastern Africa
Average rainfall/temperature The Average rainfall in the savanna is in The average temperature is Fahrenheit
Problems facing the savanna Some problems are: not enough water over grazing Some problems are: not enough water over grazing Soil erosion Soil erosion Floods Floods And diseases And diseases
Savanna animals The wildebeest which are very hairy animals The zebra has black and white stripes Buffalo help people farm Giraffe have very long necks to reach tall trees
Vegetation Acacia have deep roots which are ideal for semi arid systems The baobab tree is drought and fire resistant Red oat grass is known as kangaroo grass or blue grass Rabbit tailed grass grows in tuffs up to three ft tall
countries its located in countries its located in KenyaTanzania
Tribes in the savanna The dorobo in the eastern savanna are hunter gatherers The kikuyu are great farmers who love to sing and dance The massai are a very strong tribe whose tests begin at the age of four
Food Iro, 8 ounces of dried green peas 6 ear fresh corn,2 peeled potatotos,2 ½ lb of spinach,2 teaspoons of butter salt and pepper
Most famous place The Serengeti is the most famous place in the savanna It is 11,583 sq miles
Climate The savanna is a semi arid moderate climate
The end By Liam parquette