The American Film Industry The American film industry is dominated by The Big Six film studios. Warner Brothers Paramount 20th Century Fox Walt Disney Pictures Columbia Pictures Universal Pictures
Who owns the big six Walt Disney Pictures The Walt Disney Company (world’s largest media conglomerate) Columbia Pictures Sony Corporation (5th largest media conglomerate) Universal Pictures GE (2nd largest company in the world) and Comcast (largest telecommunications company in the US) Warner Bros. Time Warner (world’s 2nd largest media conglomerate) Paramount Viacom (4th largest media conglomerate) 20th Century Fox News Corp (3rd largest media conglomerate
Ownership and the American Film Industry The American film industry is dominated by 6 major studios, each of which are subsidiaries of major media conglomerates. The American film industry makes more money internationally ($30 billion) than domestic revenue ($10 billion).
Film and Britain The film market in Britain is dominated by American products. American produced films, account for 75% of the total UK box office. The majority of successful films in Britain’s Box office are American produced film and are also produced by the big six studios.
Ownership and Globalisation In media ownership, the global media market is becoming more and more dominated by a number of mostly American conglomerates. A conglomerate is two or more corporations that come under one corporate group, usually with a parenting group and many sub companies. This will involve companies like music companies and film companies working to create a soundtrack to match along side the film or a games company working along side a film company to make a game matching a film.
Ownership and The UK Film Industry There are four main institutions in the British film industry Independent companies Television Companies Government bodies Co-productions with Hollywood studios