The Fermilab Program 2005-2025 Michael Witherell Users’ meeting June 3, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

The Fermilab Program Michael Witherell Users’ meeting June 3, 2004

6/3/042Users' meeting 2004 Fermilab Today ~3000 users do research at Fermilab. We are operating two of the leading programs in particle physics worldwide. The Tevatron program –CDF and D0 experiments –BTeV starting in late 2009 The neutrino program –MiniBooNE with Booster neutrinos –MINOS with NuMI neutrinos Fermilab is also host to –the U.S. program for the LHC accelerator and CMS experiment; –a thriving program in experimental particle astrophysics; and –strong groups in theoretical particle and astrophysics.

6/3/043Users' meeting 2004 The Fermilab program A.Unified forces and Higgs physics –Run II of the Tevatron: CDF and D0 –US-LHC and US-CMS –Linear collider R&D B. Quarks and Leptons Neutrino and Lepton Flavor Physics –The US accelerator-based neutrino program: MiniBooNE and NuMI/MINOS Quark Flavor Physics and CP violation –Quark flavor physics experiment to operate in 2009: BTeV C. Particle Astrophysics –Sloan Digital Sky Survey –The Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory –The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search

6/3/044Users' meeting 2004 Run II is providing new, important physics results. One example: electroweak and Higgs physics Improved top mass measurements are emerging Better top mass and W mass measurements to come Follow the physics news: Every Thursday, a new Fermilab Result of the Week appears in Fermilab Today. CDF/D0 2 fb -1 goal!

6/3/045Users' meeting 2004 Run II Accomplishments in the last year Integrated luminosity delivered to each experiment for physics has gone from ~200 pb -1 to almost 500 pb -1. –Initial luminosity has gone from 4.5x10 31 to 7.3x –The doubling time is still ~1 year. The Recycler has met its requirements for integration into accelerator operations. –Ready to commission “mixed source” operation Physics results on top mass and cross section; jets and dijets; searches for SUSY, leptoquarks, and exotic Higgs particles; W width; B lifetimes and spectroscopy; rare B and D decays; elastic scattering; and more.

6/3/046Users' meeting 2004 Tevatron Operations: FY 2004 Plan and Status Congratulations to the Accelerator Division and all of the people throughout the laboratory for accomplishing this record. Thanks to the members of CDF and D0 collaborations who have contributed to the accelerator effort.

6/3/047Users' meeting 2004 DOE review of Collider Run II So what’s the bottom line? We’re very impressed with the progress in the past seven months. We have increasing confidence that Run II will be successful. We look forward to continued progress toward the Tevatron complex being reliable and well characterized to serve as a platform for the cutting-edge upgrades. But there’s a long way to go in the complex campaign of operations, maintenance, upgrades, R&D, and studies that must succeed if the luminosity goals are to be reached. We see a significant challenge in the installation and successful commissioning of electron cooling in the next 16 months. Keep up the discipline, focus, dedication and good work. We are very encouraged!!!

6/3/048Users' meeting 2004 Projected Integrated Luminosity FY Integrated luminosity will double every year or so for next 4 years

6/3/049Users' meeting 2004 Fermilab and the Large Hadron Collider The U.S. has a big stake in the LHC. –The LHC will make possible the discovery of all the new physics at the TeV scale. Fermilab is lead laboratory for 2 of 3 projects that make this possible. –We manage the US-LHC accelerator project and the LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP). –We manage the US research program on the large CMS detector project for a group of ~500 U.S. physicists. The LHC research program will be a large activity for Fermilab for the next 20 years.

6/3/0410Users' meeting 2004 MiniBooNE MiniBooNE is a very important experiment. –It has a unique opportunity to confirm or refute the LSND result, which would require a sterile fourth neutrino or something even more novel. –Confirmation would change the worldwide neutrino program. The experiment is running well and the collaboration has made great progress in understanding the detector and backgrounds, and in measuring cross sections. This will be an exciting year ahead.

6/3/0411Users' meeting 2004 Protons to MiniBooNE The Booster has delivered 2.7x10 20 pot, record 7.6x10 18 in one week. We are trying to deliver 5x10 20 as quickly as possible, and then more. Thanks to the MiniBooNE collaboration for their efforts to increase Booster performance.

6/3/0412Users' meeting 2004 MINOS Measure the parameters of the atmospheric oscillation well. –  m 2 to ~10% –Sin 2 2  23 to ~5% Search with improved sensitivity to transition of  to flavors other than 

6/3/0413Users' meeting 2004 NuMI project status The recent DOE project review agreed that –the construction is on schedule, –the beam studies are wll along, and –the project is still on track to complete commissioning 1/2005. Thanks to the MINOS collaboration for their contributions to getting the MI and beam ready.

6/3/0414Users' meeting 2004 Experimental Astrophysics The experimental particle astrophysics effort is well established. –The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is producing important discoveries continuously. An extension to complete the survey is being worked out now. –The Auger cosmic ray observatory is already the largest operating cosmic ray award. Construction of the full observatory continues in Argentina. –The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) has first results from a short run with one tower in Soudan. They are leading the world already...

6/3/0415Users' meeting 2004 Cryogenic Dark Matter Search CDMS II has completed a short run with one tower at Soudan. –reduced neutron background from ~1/kg/day to few/kg/year CDMS leads the field and should for some time to come. –next run with two towers DAMA CDMS SUF EDELWEISS CDMS Soudan

Funding The science opportunities in High Energy Physics today are limited by funding. Even compared to our neighbors in the Office of Science, HEP has lost about 10%, or $70 million/year, in 5 years. How the funding evolves will determine how much of the future U.S. program can be done.

6/3/0417Users' meeting 2004 Fermilab in 2010 A.Unified Forces and HIggs Physics –US-LHC and US-CMS –Linear collider preparations B.Quark and Leptons Neutrino and Lepton Flavor Physics –The US accelerator-based neutrino program upgraded NuMI beam with MINOS, Minerva and perhaps NOVA Booster neutrino beam with associated experiments Quark Flavor Physics and CP violation –BTeV, perhaps K + C.Particle Astrophysics –The Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory, South and North –The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search, CDMS-III –Possibly the Dark Energy Survey –JDEM construction

6/3/0418Users' meeting 2004 CMS at Fermilab In the next decade the particle physics facility most likely to make revolutionary discoveries is the LHC. Fermilab will play a critical role in enabling U.S. scientists to take full advantage of it. –The critical features for a world-leading research center on LHC physics are the power of the computing infrastructure, the expertise of the support staff, and the concentration of intellectual talent leading the research. We are establishing the LHC Physics Center here to make sure that American universities and laboratories to get full scientific benefits from the LHC physics.

6/3/0419Users' meeting 2004 BTeV BTeV will have a very broad particle physics program, including charm physics, but the primary motivation is the search for new physics through CP violation in the B d and B s systems. BTeV represents ~2 orders of magnitude over the present capability in recording tagged B events. P5 in October, 2003: “The strength of the BTeV experiment comes from the combination of its vertex trigger with precision mass measurements for both charged and neutral decay modes and excellent particle identification capabilities.” “P5 supports the construction of BTeV as an important project in the world-wide quark flavor physics area.”

6/3/0420Users' meeting 2004 BTeV in the world HEP program BTeV will be the world’s best experiment in quark flavor physics in the period ~ –It will anchor, with the Fermilab neutrino program, the only HEP program operating at a US accelerator laboratory at that time. –It has gone through the longest and most detailed approval process of any previous experimental facility of its size. –The physics return for the money compares well with anything being done in HEP or in physics.

6/3/0421Users' meeting 2004 Neutrino physics A large part of the world’s neutrino program will use Fermilab accelerators. –The proton plan will include work over the next few years to increase proton intensities. –We will look at what can be done to get even more protons with the present accelerators. –Proton Driver will go beyond that. NuMI beam line –MINOS, MINER A, NO A (assuming Fermilab and agency approval) Booster neutrino line –What is the proton intensity consistent with NuMI operation? We will know more soon, and that will help to inform us what experiments are possible. More about neutrinos later

6/3/0422Users' meeting 2004 Charge to the FNAL Long Range Planning Committee The committee should develop scenarios for each of the two cases spelled out by the HEPAP Subpanel. –A linear collider project will be built here, starting late in this decade with international support and organization. –The linear collider will be built offshore with substantial participation from U.S. High Energy Physics.

6/3/0423Users' meeting 2004 Science First: The Coming Revolution in Particle Physics Something appears to stabilize the Higgs mass. –Supersymmetry? Extra Dimensions? Strong Dynamics? Neutrinos have mass and change flavor. –A new phenomenon at the Grand Unification Scale? B decays may be starting to show puzzles. –Is B →  K S showing signs of new physics? Dark matter must be here somewhere. –Will it show up first in colliders or underground?

6/3/0424Users' meeting 2004 Fermilab in 2020 The overarching vision for Fermilab in 2020 is that it will be the primary site for particle physics accelerators in the U.S. The most favorable outcome for particle physics is that a linear collider is built by an international collaboration of laboratories, within a short distance from here. Because it is not assured that it will be built here, and in a timely way, U.S. particle physics needs to have a plan for the present program to evolve in a way that keeps addressing the most compelling scientific issues.

6/3/0425Users' meeting 2004 Vision I: FNAL in 2020 hosting the Linear Collider Linear Collider under construction near Fermilab –Fermilab at the center of future discoveries and understanding –Major part of Lab activity Neutrino Program –Based on improvements to the accelerator complex and the experiments over the next ten years Large Hadron Collider Program –Accelerator and experiment: Fermilab leading center for CMS physics Other experiments at FNAL –As physics demands –Quark Flavor may still be key –Other programs Astroparticle physics, Accelerator R&D Non-particle science

6/3/0426Users' meeting 2004 Linear Collider Status International Linear Collider Steering Committee under ICFA Regional Committees Technology Recommendation –International committee is working. –Report this year, soon if possible

6/3/0427Users' meeting 2004 Linear Collider at Fermilab Fermilab is planning the next steps for either technology choice, in collaboration with international partners. Fermilab is bidding to host the central project office for the global design team. Fermilab will prepare a bid to host the Linear Collider –A site near Fermilab has unique advantages, both in cost and in schedule for building the new facility. –The model for building and operating the LC is fundamentally different from past HEP projects. Several laboratories around the world of HEP will build and operate the LC as an international project. Host laboratory would take a leading role, but not as dominant role as CERN in LHC.

6/3/0428Users' meeting 2004 Linear Collider R&D Charge Charge letter to S. Mishra: Begin now, do not wait for technology decision. –Prepare a plan to build Fermilab’s role for each technology. –Develop goals of Engineering Test Facility, with collaborators. Develop a LC site plan. –Identify sites and characterize geology. –Advance discussion with surrounding communities. In addition to the accelerator effort: Design a detector matched to the physics. –Grow the Fermilab role in physics and detector studies.

6/3/0429Users' meeting 2004 Vision II: FNAL in 2020 with the Linear Collider Offshore Fermilab Neutrino Program –World leading long baseline program –New accelerator-Proton Driver Linear Collider offshore –Significant Lab resources in this activity Large Hadron Collider Program –Accelerator and experiment: Fermilab leading center for CMS physics Other experiments at FNAL –As physics demands –Quark Flavor may still be key –Other programs Astroparticle physics, Accelerator R&D Non-particle science

6/3/0430Users' meeting 2004 World neutrino program We need to improve the measurements of known mixing parameters clarify the possibility of a short-baseline oscillation, measure the third mixing angle, understand the mass hierarchy and determine whether CP violation is in the measurable range, determine the mass scale for neutrinos, and measure several cross sections better. This program will need several experiments of different types. –Operating now or soon: K2K, MiniBooNE, MINOS, SNO, Kamland, Super-K, CNGS –Approved: J-PARC neutrino, MINER A –Proposals: NO A, Reactor neutrino, and others

6/3/0431Users' meeting 2004 Neutrinos at Fermilab Fermilab capabilities provide a unique opportunity. –NuMI comes on the air in early 2005 with 730 km baseline. Capable of ~0.4 MW at 120 GeV. –Booster neutrino beam now delivering ~20 kW at 8 GeV –Proton Driver + present complex could deliver 2 MW at 120 GeV and 0.5 MW at 8 GeV. Accelerator steps –Proton plan, ~$40 M in project equivalent, FY05-07 –Upgrade of present accelerators to full potential –Proton Driver –Neutrino factory in the longer future Detector steps –MiniBooNE, MINOS in place –NoVA, smaller experiments under consideration –Much larger experiment? Very long baseline? More sophisticated detetector technologies?

6/3/0432Users' meeting 2004 Proton Driver R&D Charge Charge letter to B. Foster, S. Geer: Develop and document the physics case, with neutrinos as the centerpiece. Prepare documentation sufficient for CD-0, “mission need”. Complete comparable cost estimates for linac and synchrotron options. Develop a strategy that maintains continuous growth in the neutrino physics program.

6/3/0433Users' meeting 2004 R&D on Future Accelerators We are doing accelerator R&D aligned with the future facilities called out in the Fermilab Long-range plan and the SC facilities plan. –LHC luminosity upgrade –Linear collider –Proton driver We do a small amount of R&D toward the longer- term future. –High-field superconducting dipoles –Advanced accelerator R&D We are also working with university programs to provide opportunities for training students.

6/3/0434Users' meeting 2004 Particle Astrophysics We are establishing the Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics with the goal of promoting excellent research at Fermilab in the exciting science at the boundary between particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. We want this Center to serve as the intellectual focus for particle astrophysics at Fermilab. –We will locate office space for the various particle astrophysics efforts in one area of Wilson Hall, in order to promote regular communication among the researchers. By taking this step we want to build an intellectual center for particle astrophysics at Fermilab. At the same time, we want to integrate particle astrophysics research more completely into the scientific life of the laboratory.

6/3/0435Users' meeting 2004 Actions for now Continue to push Run II physics. Provide more protons to the neutrino program. Start construction of BTeV. Grow the Linear Collider R&D efforts. Advance design and physics case for Proton Driver. Establish the LHC Physics Center. Establish a Center for Particle Astrophysics.

6/3/0436Users' meeting 2004 Summary Fermilab’s vision for its future is to be the U.S. accelerator laboratory for particle physics, at the forefront of the coming scientific revolution. The laboratory will be the home –for accelerator-based particle physics in the U.S. –for American physicists working abroad at the world’s highest energy accelerator –for some of the most far-reaching experiments at the boundary of particle physics and cosmology. The discoveries of the coming decade will significantly clarify the detailed picture of what U.S. particle physics will look like in twenty years.