PARBIT Tool 1 PARBIT Partial Bitfile Configuration Tool Edson L. Horta Washington University, Applied Research Lab August 15, 2001 Supported by: NSF ANI ; Xilinx Inc. and CNPq (Brazil)
PARBIT Tool 2 Single chip ATM Switch VIRTEX FPGA Partial Reconfigurable VIRTEX FPGA Partial Reconfigurable Dynamic Hardware Plugin Motivation RECATS Mutual Need: tool to generate partial configuration files for VIRTEX FPGA FPX PARBIT
PARBIT Tool 3 VIRTEX Architecture Resources –CLBs –IOBs –Block SelectRAMs –Clocks Configuration –bitstream: configuration bitfile –configuration columns Center CLB IOB Block SelectRAM Interconnect Block SelectRAM Content
PARBIT Tool 4 VIRTEX Architecture Configuration Columns
PARBIT Tool 5 PARBIT Tool - Introdution A Tool that transforms configuration bitfiles to generate partial configuration bitfiles with hardware realocation Command-line interface Environment –Windows (Cygwin) –Unix Devices supported: –XCV50E, XCV100E, XCV200E, XCV300E, XCV400E, XCV405E, XCV600E, XCV812E, XCV1000E, XCV1600E, XCV2000E,XCV2600E, XCV3200E.
PARBIT Tool 6 PARBIT Tool - Introdution END N Error Message Parameters OK ? Write Trailer Y Write Header User Parameters Copy Config. Bits END FPGA Type Coordinates Shutdown Configuration Port
PARBIT Tool 7 PARBIT Tool - Introdution Utilization –parbit option original partial target Input Files –option: user parameters –original: Dynamic Hardware Plugin (DHP) bitstream –target: infrastructure bitstream Output File –partial: generated partial bitstream Generating the input bitstream files –Xilinx Tools –Constraints commands in the UCF file
PARBIT Tool 8 PARBIT Tool - Introdution Original Bitstream File –DHP User Module –Locks the interface signals to the infrastrucuture –Locks the area of user logic Target Bitstream File –Infrastructure Logic –Locks the interface signals to the DHP User Module –Allocate blank areas (targets) to download new DHP Modules
PARBIT Tool 9 PARBIT Tool – Original Bitstream –Dynamic Hardware Plugin (DHP) confined in a rectangular region –PARBIT parameters Start Row and Start Col End Row and End Col
PARBIT Tool 10 Interface signals and flops Original Bitstream - DHP Module DHP User Module
PARBIT Tool 11 DHP User Module - Example 8 stages of combinatorial function, with registered outputs Connects to gas_dhp entity buses (din, dout) Consumes 32 CLBs
PARBIT Tool 12 DHP Module - VHDL library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- Top Level Entity of DHP also specifies -- pins so that a FPGA can be routed and placed entity gask_dhp is port( gask_in: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); gask_clk: in std_logic; gask_out: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end gask_dhp; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; -- Entity of a Dynamic Hardware Plugin entity dhp is port( din: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); clk: in std_logic; dout: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end dhp; architecture dhp_arch of dhp is -- The User's Module Logic goes HERE signal stage0_sig: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal stage1_sig: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal stage2_sig: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal stage3_sig: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal stage4_sig: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal stage5_sig: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal stage6_sig: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); begin Stage0: process (clk) begin if(clk'event AND clk = '1') then stage0_sig(0) <= NOT din(0) OR din(1); stage0_sig(1) <= din(2) XOR din(0); stage0_sig(2) <= NOT din(3) NOR din(2); stage0_sig(3) <= din(1) AND din(0); end if; end process;
PARBIT Tool 13 DHP Module - VHDL -- The User's Module is the Main Component of the Module design component dhp is port( din: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); clk: in std_logic; dout: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end component; signal ding,doutg:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin D: dhp port map(ding,gask_clk,doutg); -- Specifies the same Flops in the same location G: for i in 0 to 3 generate INGASK : FD port map( gask_in(i), gask_clk, ding(i)); Stage1: process (clk) ………………………………… Stage7: process (clk) begin if(clk'event AND clk = '1') then dout(0) <= stage6_sig(2) NAND stage6_sig(0); dout(1) <= NOT stage6_sig(3) NAND stage6_sig(3); dout(2) <= NOT stage6_sig(0) XOR stage6_sig(2); dout(3) <= stage6_sig(1) NAND stage6_sig(1); end if; end process; end dhp_arch; architecture gask_dhp_arch of gask_dhp is component FD port( D: in std_logic; C: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end component;
PARBIT Tool 14 DHP Module - VHDL and UCF File # Include Region for DHP User Module INST /D* LOC=clb_r3c6:clb_r6c7; # FLOPS INST /OUTGASK_0* LOC=clb_r3c5.s0; INST /OUTGASK_1* LOC=clb_r4c5.s0; INST /OUTGASK_2* LOC=clb_r5c5.s0; INST /OUTGASK_3* LOC=clb_r6c5.s0; INST /INGASK_0* LOC=clb_r3c8.s1; INST /INGASK_1* LOC=clb_r4c8.s1; INST /INGASK_2* LOC=clb_r5c8.s1; INST /INGASK_3* LOC=clb_r6c8.s1; # gask_dhp.ucf #PINS NET gask_clk LOC=B8; NET gask_in LOC=C8; NET gask_in LOC=B7; NET gask_in LOC=A6; NET gask_in LOC=D8; NET gask_out LOC=F3; NET gask_out LOC=D1; NET gask_out LOC=G3; NET gask_out LOC=F5; OUTGASK : FD port map( doutg(i), gask_clk, gask_out(i)); end generate; end gask_dhp_arch;
PARBIT Tool 15 DHP Module – FPGA Editor (XCV50E)
PARBIT Tool 16 ROW 6 ROW 4 ROW 5 ROW 3 COL 5COL 6COL 7COL 8 DHP Module – FPGA Editor (XCV50E) DHP User Module
PARBIT Tool 17 PARBIT Tool – Target Bitstream –Infrastructure with target regions reserved for DHP modules insertions –PARBIT parameters Target Locations (Row, Col)
PARBIT Tool 18 Target Bitstream - Infrastructure Module On-chip system logic Interface signals and flops I/O Pads
PARBIT Tool 19 Infrastructure Module - VHDL library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- Top Level Entity of Infrastructure entity gask_inf is port( gask_in: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); gask_clk: in std_logic; gask_out: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end gask_inf; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- Each gask_io module provides an input/ouput -- interface between the infrastructure and module entity gask_io is port( di: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; qo: out std_logic); end gask_io; architecture gask_io_arch of gask_io is component FD port( D: in std_logic; C: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end component; signal q0 : std_logic; -- Each gas_io module has two Flops, one -- on each edge of DHP begin GASKIN : FD port map(D => di, C => clk, Q => q0); GASKOUT: FD port map(D => q0, C => clk, Q => qo); end gask_io_arch;
PARBIT Tool 20 Infrastructure Module - VHDL and UCF File architecture gask_inf_arch of gask_inf is component gask_io port( di: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; qo: out std_logic); end component; begin G: for i in 0 to 3 generate -- Bus contains an array of gask_io modules GASK : gask_io port map( gask_in(i), gask_clk, gask_out(i)); end generate; end gask_inf_arch; # Exclude Region for DHP User Module CONFIG PROHIBIT=CLB_R3C6:CLB_R6C7; # FLOPS INST /GASK_0/GASKOUT* LOC=clb_r3c5.s0; INST /GASK_1/GASKOUT* LOC=clb_r4c5.s0; INST /GASK_2/GASKOUT* LOC=clb_r5c5.s0; INST /GASK_3/GASKOUT* LOC=clb_r6c5.s0; INST /GASK_0/GASKIN* LOC=clb_r3c8.s1; INST /GASK_1/GASKIN* LOC=clb_r4c8.s1; INST /GASK_2/GASKIN* LOC=clb_r5c8.s1; INST /GASK_3/GASKIN* LOC=clb_r6c8.s1; # gask_inf.ucf #PINS NET gask_clk LOC=B8; NET gask_in LOC=C8; NET gask_in LOC=B7; NET gask_in LOC=A6; NET gask_in LOC=D8; NET gask_out LOC=F3; NET gask_out LOC=D1; NET gask_out LOC=G3; NET gask_out LOC=F5;
PARBIT Tool 21 Infrastructure – FPGA Editor (XCV50E)
PARBIT Tool 22 COL 5 COL 7 COL 6 COL 8 ROW 3 ROW 4 ROW 5 ROW 6 Infrastructure – FPGA Editor (XCV50E) Reserved Area (Target) for DHP Module Flops and Interconnect Signals (Same location as in DHP Module)
PARBIT Tool 23 PARBIT Tool - Example Utilization –parbit option original partial target Example –Visit: –In the Download Section, right click on parbit-expl.tar
PARBIT Tool 24 PARBIT Tool - Downloading
PARBIT Tool 25 PARBIT Tool - Downloading
PARBIT Tool 26 PARBIT Tool - Downloading
PARBIT Tool 27 PARBIT Tool - Downloading
PARBIT Tool 28 PARBIT Tool - Downloading
PARBIT Tool 29 PARBIT Tool - Downloading
PARBIT Tool 30 PARBIT Tool - Downloading
PARBIT Tool 31 PARBIT Tool - Demonstration
PARBIT Tool 32 PARBIT Tool - Demonstration Example (Cygwin Window) –Run parbit parbit parbit-gask.opt gask_dhp.bit gask-part.bit gask_inf.bit Compare the sizes of gask_dhp.bit and gask-part.bit
PARBIT Tool 33 PARBIT Tool - Exercises Exercise 1 Change the user parameters and generate a new partial configuration bitstream (gask-part2.bit) for one user module confined in a rectangular area with: –Start row = 2 –Start col = 5 –Height = 3 rows –Width = 4 columns –Target location = Row 10, Col 15
PARBIT Tool 34 PARBIT Tool - Exercises Exercise 2 Go to the PARBIT web page and get the project files for the gasket example (gask-design.tar) Modify the UCF files in order to change the location of the DHP user module two rows down Compile each project: –xflow –p xcv50e-8-fg256 –implement gask-i gask_dhp Open each project with the FPGA Editor: –fpga_editor gask_dhp.ncd Check the new logic locations Edit the file gask_dhp.ucf –Add 2 to the row numbers (rX)
PARBIT Tool 35 ORIGINAL BITS Configuration Frames - Full Slice TARGET BITS