TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section SPS RENOVATION Final design and status 1 R.Mompo, P.Dahlen, Y.Bastian, I.Romera, M.Zerlauth
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section SPS LAYOUT and Magnet Powering SPS (7 kms) composed of 6 sextants Main dipole and quad magnets powered in series, power converters located in respective BA Auxiliary (corrector) magnets powered individually (some exceptions) from respective BA Ring-line magnets (quadrupole, octupoles, sextupoles) powered in series in whole SPS ring from BB3 Current interlock system built in 1974 (mains) 1980 (Aux)
TE-MPE-TM 02/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section SUMMARY DescriptionCostManpowerPROCON Consolidation Option #1 ---Risk of lengthy failure Option #2 (Boolean PLC) 180kCHF0.5 FTE (MS) FTE (ICE) Simple + standard, no cabling, diagnostic Ring line remains, no remote test, info only by sextants/ring Option #3 (Boolean PLC + cable) 300kCHF0.75 FTE (MS) FTE (ICE) Simple + standard, diagnostic per demi-sextant Additional cabling + patches, no remote test Option #4 (Boolean PLC + PLC comms) 300kCHF0.75 FTE (MS) FTE (ICE) Simple + standard, diagnostic per demi-sextant Special (non-safety part in PLC, no remote test Option #5 (Analogue I/Os) 400kCHF1.5 FTE (MS) FTE (ICE) Diagnostic per magnet without major Completely new SW projects, no remote test Option #6 (Profibus) >1.2MCHF2 FTE (MS) FTE (ICE) Full MontyConsiderable investment, validation time for rad tolerant I/Os, feasibility? During last MPE-TM meeting, we concluded that they were 2 realistic options (#3 or #4) to renovate the SPS interlock system ! Finally, we have chosen option #3 ! I will explain why in the following slides...
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section 4 Main Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets Ring-Line Magnet Auxiliary Magnet SPS Magnet families
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Principle of the SPS interlock system
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Principle of the SPS interlock system
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Principle of the SPS interlock system
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Principle of the SPS interlock system Each magnet has an interlock box to collect signals from thermo-switches and for visual indication («trefle»)
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section PLC architecture (1/2) Configuration of WIC PLC for the “Mains” and “Aux. circuits. In BA1 *, BA2, BA3, BA4, BA5 and BA6: * In BA1, there is no “Aux.” crate (circuits combined with TT10 transfer line not renovated during LS1). 6 “new” racks 5 existing racks = cohabitation
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section PLC architecture (2/2) Configuration of WIC PLC for the Ring-Line located in BB3: 1 existing rack = cohabitation
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Powering scheme of the main dipoles EDMS: If a dipole magnet overheats (or any powering failure): All 14 PCs must be switched off! If we put a WIC in each BA (to protect 1 sextant), how do we propagate the info to the PCs located in the other BAs? Do we need to introduce a PLC- PLC communication between the WICs ??? (=> use of non- safety PLCs ). Long distances: Issues on reliability/ dependability/ reaction time? How do we send a «Beam Dump» signal to the BICs?
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Powering scheme of the main quadrupoles EDMS: In a way simpler, as all PCs are located in 1 BA (BA3). But the WIC installed in BA3 must also receive the info from all other sextants?
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Powering scheme of the “Ring-Line” The “Ring-Line” is composed of: o Quadrupole, sextupole, octupole magnets o Divided in 4 circuits (166 magnets, 8 PCs) o All PCs are in BB3 One of the main objective of this renovation (despite replacing the old electro-mechanical crates) is to split the “Ring-Line” in half sextants o In 2012, we lost 24h to identify the origin of a problem in the Ring-Line (impedance of the line changing due to ageing of the TS). From the WIC side, it is seen as: 4 x (6 x 2) = 48 circuits !
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Powering scheme of the “Ring-Line” Since we had to put in place patch panels for the «Ring-Line», it became obvious that we could also centralise all the quadrupole signals in BA3 (where the PCs are located) => Advantage: Avoid using crates belonging to EPC This doesn’t solve our communication pbm for the dipoles!
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Communication between BAs EDMS: Interlock crate (present in each BA) Centralisation crate for the mains Quads Around year 2000, EPC introduced some major changes: 1. Local PLCs to pilot each PC. 2.A Master_PLC. 3.A Hardware Interlock Loop (HIL)! Crates named «chassis CO» and “CISBOX” are used to distribute signals between «BAs». Overview of the layout of all BAs (for the mains): Water interlock crate (EN/CV) Dipole & Quads PC’s
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Communication between BAs EDMS: Overview of the layout of all BAs (for the mains): Modifications after LS1:
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Hardware Interlock Loop (HIL) EDMS: current loops Red: main dipole Green: main quadrupole Blue: Sextupole PCs of the Ring-Line If a loop is open, all PCs of the same loop will trip and send a beam dump signal to the BIC in BA3. HIL loop and functionality remains under the responsibility of TE/EPC Thanks to this HIL loop, our WIC PLCs in each BA do not need to communicate between them! => In case of a fault in 1 sextant, the WIC sends a «FPA» to the 2 PCs of the corresponding BA. This will cause the opening of the HIL loop and the trip of the other PCs!
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Beam Dump (Current Situation) The Beam Dump Request: o The beam dump requests are centralized in BA3. o 3 input signals (Dipole, Quads, Sextupoles). o + 1 input from the ROCS system (that checks the consistency between the output of the PCs and the loaded functions) o + Other PCs are interlocked via the Software Interlock System (SIS). o... + inputs for all other systems. CIB.BA3.S3.Beam Dump Control. In the future, we could think of replacing this crates (EPC) by a FM352 PLC (High speed Boolean Processor). Our proposal: 1.Keep those inputs as is. 2.Add a signal sent by the WIC to the BIC in each respective BA.
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Status of the renovation Functional Specification (EDMS ): o A first version is being circulated to gather comments from all groups involved with detailed explanation of all changes (What will stay, what will be removed, cabling convention etc...). Underground work: o EN/EL has installed the cables for us in BA3 and BA5 (2/6 sextants). o 13 patch panels are in place in the tunnel. Surface work: o 5/6 “new” racks installed in each BA. UPS and UTP installation scheduled. o 15/31 PLC crates are cabled, remaining ones should be ready by end of August 2013 (Spie). o Patch panels (x17) are ordered, need to be cabled (+ control cables). PLC/PVSS programming: o David Willeman’s (EN/ICE) contract ends in Feb o We depend on David to get the PLC programs (… true as well for Booster, Linac4 etc...) We agreed on deadlines to get the programs before! HWC: o Discussion started to optimize the strategy, given the little time dedicated to the powering tests before the SPS restart (planned for July-Aug. 2014). For the final checks, we need the PC to be «déconsigné».
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Conclusions In the case of a renovation, to design an efficient magnet interlock system, one has to know in details how a machine is operated... (Machine layout, naming convention, interaction with other systems, standard operation mode as well as non standard operation modes i.e. MD, different people). o “Each machine at CERN is a different Kingdom”, dixit Karel Cornelis In «old» machines (same issues for the «Booster» and the «PS») the optic of the machine is often modified, therefore some flexibility must be anticipated at the level of our WIC configuration (to avoid hardware & software modifications at every changes). Production of hardware and cable installation is going on as scheduled. Potential issue with David Willeman’s contract ??? During LS1, our colleagues from EN/EL will replace all cables in sextant 1. o Part of the standard procedure to replace periodically cables exposed to radiation => We are impacted.
TE-MPE-TM 27/06/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Thank you for your attention!