Login on Laptop, Server or Internet Platform: The user will get a display on his screen of a randomized series of figures. He will subsequently speak the figures. The resulting templates are compared with reference and access is granted on match. Technology: ComBiom is using Biometric Face, Voice, Lip Movement and Word Recognition Simultaneously. WebCam records video and audio, our software transforms in small biometric data files (templates) Enrolment Procedure: User will be asked to speak all figures from 1,2,3, … 0. As usual WebCam records and software establishes reference templates for all figures
Face VoiceFlow ComBiom: 4 Ziffern = 16 Authentisierungsprozesse
High Security (3 x Biometrics Multimodal / Random Password) Simple (read / contactless / Free Hands and Memory) Low Cost (WebCam)