QUESTION… Is the internet bad?
GOODBad News/Finances Homework Research Shopping Games Education Sports Travel Entertainment Genealogy Pornography Hate Web Sites Violence Pedophiles E-Fraud Voyeurism Addictions Illegal Activity Spam- Cyber Sex Drugs
Too Much Exposure Looses Its Effect
Common Internet Misconceptions… The only people that can see what I post are my friends… ARE YOU SURE??
Scary Facts… 50% of High School students “talk” in chat rooms or use IM. 1 in 5 children in chat rooms were contacted by pedophiles. ¼ of those youth who received a sexual solicitation told a parent. 65% of high school students admit to unsafe, inappropriate, or illegal activities. 31% of the 7th to 12th graders pretend to be older on line. 9 out of 10 children ages between 8-16 have viewed pornography on the internet intentionally or accidently. Nearly 50% of the young people have given out personal information on the internet.
Something to think about… Once you post your image online, ANYONE can see it.
What’s the problem? More Scary Facts… By the end of 2005, approximately 77 million kids were online. 1 in 5 youth received a sexual approach or solicitation over the Internet in the past year. Average age of internet exposure to pornography is 11 yrs old for males and 13 for females. 1 in 17 youth were threatened or harassed in the past year. 3 million of the visitors to adult websites in Sept were age 17 or younger million adult sites. Over 1.2 million known porn sites. Approximately 600,000 images added each day.
The 3 A’s of the Internet Accessible: Anyone can access it from any location. Affordable: A lot of the material is FREE Anonymous: You can pretend to be someone else
Predators in Utah Most over the age of 25 (can be any age) Most posses child pornography Arrest 2 to 3 predators a week Even more important… Do you really know who you are talking to online?
Do you know who you are chatting with??
Are You Sure??
HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?? Grooming: the process predators use to form a bond with a child. They then use this bond to exploit the child. What do they use? Telephone calls Gifts and money ○ Drugs and alcohol Pornography Once a bond is formed, the predator introduces a sexual element
What is Pornography? “ Pornography is not about real human sexuality: it’s about a dehumanized, synthetic version of sex that eliminates love, honor, dignity, true intimacy and commitment. The image of pornography offered by pornography comes without relationships, responsibility, or consequences.” Just Harmless Fun?” By Bruce Watson and Shayla Rae Welch
What to do if you come across… Crash and tell an adult - Turn the computer off using the power switch - The only safe way to escape from a internet site with pornography. Have a specific purpose on the internet…No Aimless surfing. Educate yourself about your computer and the internet – potential dangers and such. Don’t open from anyone you do not know. Avoid chat rooms, networking sites, bulletin boards. Family rules such as having any computer with internet access in a room like the kitchen or family room with the monitor facing out for all to see.
What to do if you have a pornography problem? Break the addiction cycle and replace it. Get Professional Help if necessary. Remember, EVERYONE has trials and temptations, especially during adolescence!! If you are addicted, you CAN get your life back!! Don’t Give Up… It will take time to break and replace your addiction.