Most common Dairy Cattle breeds used in the United States
Six breeds of dairy cows most common in the U.S. Ayrshire Brown Swiss Guernsey Holstein Jersey Milking shorthorn
Breeds vary in size...
Ayrshire DESCRIPTION Reddish brown and white preferred Distinct markings Graceful upturned horns Many are dehorned FACTS First came from Scotland in 1822 Easy to keep Need limited resources Known for correct structure Long-lived USDA photo by Bill Tarpenning.
Brown Swiss DESCRIPTION Large Brown-colored FACTS Originally dual purpose (beef and dairy) From Switzerland, Germany and Austria Hardy in extreme conditions USDA photo by Bill Tarpenning.
Guernsey DESCRIPTION Moderate size Buff and white in color FACTS Named for Island of Guernsey Once used as draft animals Milk more yellow than other breeds High levels of beta carotene High butterfat milk USDA photo by Bill Tarpenning.
Holstein DESCRIPTION Black and white Large frames May be red and white FACTS Came from the Netherlands Highest milk production Milk fat and protein content low Most popular dairy cows USDA photo by Bill Tarpenning.
Jersey DESCRIPTION Smallest dairy breed Color can be light tan, grey or nearly black May have mottled coat with white patches FACTS From Jersey Island Rich, high-fat milk Long reproductive lives Calving ease USDA photo/Bill Tarpenning.
Milking shorthorn DESCRIPTION Color may be red, white, red and white spotted or roan FACTS From England Related to beef shorthorns Selected for milk production Castrated males make acceptable market steers Photo provided by Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, KY