Exploring German Cuisine Introduction to Germany and It’s Cuisine
What do you know? What do you know about Germany? Travel? Classes? Food?
German Geography Germany is bordered by: Two bodies of water Nine different countries Image retrieved from: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications//the-world-factbook/geos/gm.html
German Topography Mountains! Rivers! Lush Valleys! Northern Climate! As far north as Canada Coastline! Image retrieved from: http://www.amslshop.com/topografische-Karten/digital/Deutschland.php
What about the United States? What are some geographic and topographic features of the United States? How do these features influence American cuisine? Image retrieved from: http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/us.htm
What about you? Where are you from? Can you give some examples of how where you grew up impacts what you eat?
What about Germany’s location and features might influence its cuisine? Bodies of water Seas Rivers Neighboring countries (all 9 of them!) Topography Mountains vs river valleys Image retrieved from: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications//the-world-factbook/geos/gm.html
Regional Cuisine Northern Regions Northern specialties Bordered by two Seas Rivers Lush valleys Northern specialties Fish Eel Soup (Aalsuppe) Berries Summer Berry Pudding (Rote Grutze) Cabbage Sauerkraut Marzipan Almond Paste used in desserts with spices Trade Routes Potatoes Potato pancakes with Bacon and Pear Sauce! (Himmel und Erde – Erdapfel) Image retrieved from: http://www.amslshop.com/topografische-Karten/digital/Deutschland.php
Regional Cuisine Eastern Regions Eastern Specialties Prior Soviet Block Cosmopolitan Berlin Lush River Valleys Grain cultivation Vegetable cultivation Eastern Specialties Currywurst Kaffee und Kuchen!! Dresdener Stollen Pickled vegetables Gherkins Breads Burger Knaeckebrot (Multigrain flatbread) Havelberger Bierfleisch Stew made with fish, potatoes, bacon, dark beer and gingerbread Image retrieved from: http://www.amslshop.com/topografische-Karten/digital/Deutschland.php
Regional Cuisine Southern Regions Southern Specialties Mountains Hunting Cold Climate Pig Farming Southern Specialties Noodles Spaetzle Maultaschen Dumplings Knoedel or Kloesse Gingerbread Lebkuchen Pretzels (Brezeln) Schnitzel Pork or veal cutlets Ham (Black Forest Ham) Image retrieved from: http://www.amslshop.com/topografische-Karten/digital/Deutschland.php
Regional Cuisine Western Regions Western Specialties Shares borders with France Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands Lush river valleys Grain cultivation Potato cultivation Western Specialties Potatoes Kartoffelknoedel Beef stews (Sauerbraten) Bread Pumpernickel Mustards (Senf) Sauces Gruene Sosse Image retrieved from: http://www.amslshop.com/topografische-Karten/digital/Deutschland.php
Bring it on home! Why do different food habits develop in different parts of the same country? Ability to produce certain foods in certain areas Neighboring countries Topography How is German cuisine similar to and different from American cuisine? Regional specialties are impacted by geography and topography Same ingredients may exist throughout a country, but are treated or prepared differently in different regions Different influences Mexico vs France Immigration
References Central Intelligence Agency. (2012). The world factbook. Retrieved from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications//the-world- factbook/geos/gm.html GermanFoods.org. (n.d.). Germany’s states and regional food specialties. Retrieved from http://www.germanfoods.org/consumer/facts/foodregions.cfm