In a number of script commands, you will have to mention filenames (pictures, etc.). For a picture, Eye and Pen will search in the “stimuli” folder. This folder is: selected in the Configuration | Acquisition | Script panel re-defined through a script command (SetPicsDirectory) To designate a file that is not in this folder, you can use a relative path, i.e. a path starting from the default folder, describing the path to follow to get the file. An example: I want to use a picture located in the cursors folder. Relative file paths April 2012, Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Default Stimuli folder File is in this folder The file I want to display The picture file I want is located not in the Stimuli folder but in the Cursors folder. A few syntax elements: “.. “ allows you to move up to the next level in the folder tree “ \ “ allows you to move down to a subfolder April 2012, Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
The relative path will start from the Stimuli folder (because it is about picture). The script command: SetUnmaskFile(..\cursors\Mask_oval_asym_right170.bmp) Relative paths from a default folder can be used anywhere that a file has to be loaded from a default folder... \ cursors \ Mask_oval_asym_right170.bmp Move up one level (leave the "Stimuli" folder and move to the "Eye and Pen 2" folder) move down to the Cursors subfolder Last “ \ “ allows you to designate the picture file April 2012, Mshs, University of Poitiers, France