Kickball Workshop
Players and Equipment 0 Each team shall consist of 8 players (any sex). Each team must have a minimum of 5 players in order to begin a game. Any team that begins a game with 5 or 6 players may add players to the bottom of its line-up. 0 Substitutions: Rosters are set to a maximum of 12 (men’s/women’s) and 14 (co-rec). There are free substitutions at anytime during the game. All players may bat; however, this must be declared prior to the game beginning.
Continuation 0 Balls: The game ball will be provided for all kickball matches. 0 Shoes: Regulation rubber-soled cleats, plastic cleats, detachable rubber cleats that screw into the shoe, and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear. Sandals, street shoes, hiking boots, combat boots, or metal spikes are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet. Any player seen wearing metal spikes after the first pitch of the game will be ejected.
Game Format 0 A game will consist of six (6) innings or 35 minutes, whichever comes first. No new inning will begin once the 35-minute time limit has expired. Any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed. 0 There will be at a minimum, one (1) official on the field. Their decisions are final; however, the supervisor for the game may intercede if an argument on the field cannot be decided at the time the problem arises.
Part II 0 Forfeit: A team must have the minimum number of players to start a game. Game time is FORFEIT TIME. The game clock begins after the captains meeting. 0 Extra Innings: In the event that the score remains tied after 5 complete innings or 30 minutes, extra innings will be played until the tie is broken. The team at bat will begin with a runner on second base (last person out from prior inning). 0 Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 20 runs after 3 innings (2- 1/2 if the home team is ahead) or 15 runs after 4 complete innings (4-1/2 if the home team is ahead), then the game will be considered complete. The run rule will apply to all games including championship games.
Part III 0 Called Games: In the event of inclement weather or power failure of more than 15 minutes, the following will constitute a complete game: 0 Three innings have been completed (2-1/2 if the home team is leading). 0 The game has reached at least 20 minutes in elapsed time.
Pitchers 0 Teams will pitch to their own kickers. A member of the defensive teams infield must position themselves behind the designated marked area before until the ball is kicked. 0 Pitchers are not responsible for playing defense. Pitchers must move out the way and not interfere with the play. 0 If the pitcher gets hit with the ball the kicker will be declared out, and runners return to the base they were before the at bat.
II 0 The pitcher must be a member of the offensive team, but does not have to be one of the kickers in the line- up. 0 In the act of delivering the ball to the kicker, the pitcher shall stand with at least one foot in contact with the pitching rubber until the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. A legal delivery shall be a ball that is delivered underhand and a slow to moderate speed.
III 0 Each kicker will receive a maximum of 3 pitches. If a kicker allows three pitches to pass and has not kicked the ball, he/she will be out; thus, there are no walks.
Kicking 0 Each half inning consists of 3 outs. The batter is out in situations similar to softball (force outs, pop outs, etc.). In addition, a runner is out when he or she is hit by a thrown ball below the waist. 0 If a kicker contacts a ball outside the box and the player is out then the call will remain as out, and all runners must return to their original base, but if the player gets to 1 st base safely then they will be issued a re-kick. If it occurs once more than the kicker is automatically called “out”
Cont. 0 Foul balls on the 1st or 2nd pitch will be ruled foul. If a foul is kicked on the 3rd pitch, the batter will be out. 0 A runner who leaves the base before the pitch reaches home plate or is hit, is out and the ball is dead. Leading off and stealing bases between pitches is not allowed.
Cont.. 0 The ball is put into play when the pitcher (a player on the offensive team) rolls the ball toward home plate and the batter attempts to kick the ball. The batter must wait for the ball to be within three (3) feet of home plate before kicking the ball. If the batter does not like the pitch, he/she should not attempt to kick it, and another pitch will be thrown. A batter gets only one attempt at kicking the ball.
Fielding No more than 4 players (including a "fielding pitcher" and catcher) may position themselves within the infield area prior to a pitch being kicked. In a game with 5 or 6 fielders, two (2) must begin each play in the outfield area. Each team must provide a catcher. The catcher must field from behind the kicker. The catcher must remain at least three (3) feet behind the kicker and may not cross home plate until the ball is kicked. There is no infield fly rule.
PART II 0 If the runner intentionally uses the head to block the ball or ducks, the runner will be called out (the ball is immediately dead and runners must return to the base they last touched). If a runner intentionally tries to dodge a ball they will be considered liable to be hit anywhere expect the head. So once the runner attempts to make a move to dodge a ball and they get hit above the waist (except the head) then they will be considered out.