EIDHR Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) for BiH 2015-2016 Massimo Mina Head of Operation section 3 EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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Presentation transcript:

EIDHR Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) for BiH Massimo Mina Head of Operation section 3 EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Launched in 2006, building on former instruments such as "Defense des Droits des Hommes" (DDR) EIDHR currently funds more than 1200 projects in around 100 countries worldwide Total allocation for : EUR 1,104 billion (around EUR 157 million per year) What is EIDHR?

Regulation (EU) No 235/2014 of 11/03/2014 covers the period EIDHR shall provide assistance to development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law and of respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms Objectives: Supporting, developing and consolidating democracy in third countries Enhancing respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms as proclaimed in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Total allocation for : EUR (around EUR 157 million per year) EIDHR

Objective 1: Support to human rights and human rights defenders in situations where they are most at risk Objective 2: Support to other priorities of the Union in the field of Human Rights -Support human dignity (death penalty, torture and ill treatment) -Promotion of economic, social and cultural rights -Fighting against impunity -Fighting discrimination in all its forms -Protection of the rights of women and gender equality Objective 3: Support to Democracy -Enhancing participatory and representative democracy, transparency and accountability -Rule of law and protection of civil and political rights such as freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association Objective 4: EU Election Observation Missions Objective 5: Support to targeted key actors and processes, including international and regional human rights instruments and mechanisms EIDHR Specific Objectives

Commission Decision C(2015) 2025 of 1/04/2015 on the Annual Action Programme 2015 for EIDHR Commission Decision of 7/12/2015 on the Multi-Annual Action Programme for the years 2016 and 2017 for the EIDHR Annex 1: Action Document with implementation modalities for supporting EIDHR Country Based Support Schemes (CBSS), managed at country level by EU Delegations The local calls for proposals aim to implement objectives 1, 2 and 3 of the EIDHR Regulation and target local civil society EIDHR CBSS

Annex 2 – Supporting Human Rights priorities – EIDHR global call 2015 Annex 3 – Supporting Human Rights and their defenders where they are the most at risk – EIDHR facility Annex 5 – Supporting a global network of universities for human rights and democracy postgraduate education EIDHR Other areas

 Up to 10% of the allocation can be used for support measures such as information, evaluation, audits, visibility, etc. EIDHR CBSS Financial Allocation [EUR] Year TOTAL (all)82,750,00075,100,00080,190,000 BiH1,000,000850,000900,000

pursue common agendas for human rights and democratic reform build consensus on disputed or controversial areas of policy enhance political representation and participation enhance the inclusiveness and pluralism of civil Society increase safety structures for human rights defenders and democracy activists counter the worrying trends of shrinking space for civil society EIDHR CBSS Objectives/ Priority areas 1/2

support activities aimed at promoting the issues covered by EU Human Rights guidelines and in the EUs Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy enhance the fight against torture, ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and extra-judicial executions as priority focus areas enhance the rule of law and good governance EIDHR CBSS Objectives/ Priority areas 2/2

supporting gender equality supporting the rights of persons belonging to minorities, (LGBTI) people and other vulnerable groups supporting freedom of expression and freedom of religion or beliefs support to CSOs' actions against death penalty, torture and degrading treatment support to CSOs' activities preparing the ground for elections protection of social, economic and cultural rights, especially poor, women, children, migrants, minorities support to trade unions, enabling social dialogue EIDHR CBSS Examples of interventions

Promotion of human rights, gender equality, democracy, good governance, conflict prevention, children's rights, environmental sustainability and combating HIV/AIDS, non-discrimination, the rights of persons belonging to minorities, the rights of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. EIDHR CBSS Cross Cutting issues

Restricted Call for Proposals ( Concept Note / Full Application) Publication: First trimester 2016 Indicative budget: EUR 1,800,000 The maximum possible rate of co-financing: 95% - up to 100% if full funding is essential for the action to be carried out Use of re-granting allowed Essential selection criteria: financial and operational capacity of the applicant Essential award criteria: relevance of the proposed action to the objectives: design, effectiveness, feasibility, sustainability and cost-effectiveness of the action. EIDHR Call

Vladimir PANDUREVIC, EIDHR (culture, youth) Ajsa ADROVIC-BESLAGIC, EIDHR (gender, minorities) Dzemal HODZIC, Civil Society Facility (CSF) EIDHR/CSF Team