GIFTED HANDS Chapters 1-5
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL STUDENTS WHO EARNED AN A ON THURSDAY’S QUIZ Period 2 Alicia Cao Maria Estrada Lynda Kozak Audrie Ordonez Maegan Resuello Destiny Vargas
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL STUDENTS WHO EARNED AN A ON TUESDAY’S QUIZ Period 3 Chabelita Bulawit Alex Fadel Estaban Garcia Syed Kamran Rachel Mensah Hamza Sohail
1). OFFHANDEDLY Part of speech - Adverb Definition – without previous thought or preparation
2). RESENTMENT Part of speech – noun Definition - the feeling of displeasure at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.
3). RECOLLECTION Part of speech - NOUN definition - recalling to mind; remembrance.
4). VAGUELY adverb in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear; roughly. He vaguely remembered talking to her once.
5). LEGITIMATE adjective conforming to the law or to rules
6). CONTENTMENT noun a state of happiness and satisfaction He found contentment in living a simple life in the country.
7). ASSURANCE NOUN a positive declaration intended to give confidence He received assurances of support for the project.
1). PREDOMINATELY adverb mainly; for the most part He predominately eats meat and potatoes for dinner.
2). DICTATE verb lay down authoritatively; prescribe
3). TYPE A PERSONALITY noun A temperament marked by excessive competitiveness and ambition, an obsession with accomplishing tasks quickly, little time for self-reflection, and a strong need to control situations.
4). FRUGALITY noun the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness. He scorned the finer things in life and valued frugality and simplicity.
5). DETRIMENTAL Adjective tending to cause harm Releasing the documents would be detrimental to national security.
6). LUCRATIVE adjective producing a great deal of profit ($) Sarah had a lucrative career as an accountant.
7). TENEMENTS noun plural noun: tenements a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments.