Part Two The Appointment & Work of Deacons
II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). B. Paul’s Words to Timothy (I Tim. 3:8-13). Qualifications for their wives (vs. 11). II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). The Appointment & Work of Deacons
Is This Addressing Female Deacons? A. “ Husband of One Wife” (I Timothy 3:12). B. Which woman (gune) is addressed? The deacon’s woman (gune) (vss. 11,12). C. What about Phoebe? (Rom. 16:1,2; 15:8). D. Church History (I Timothy 5:3-16). F. There are ways to serve – not as deacons. The Appointment & Work of Deacons Is This Addressing Female Deacons?
II. Their Qualifications (Cont.). B. Paul’s Words to Timothy (I Tim. 3:8-13). Qualifications for their wives (vs. 11). Reverent (Proverbs 31:23, 26 & 30). Not slanderers (Ephesians 4:29). Temperate (cf. I Timothy 3:2). Faithful in all things. The Appointment & Work of Deacons II. Their Qualifications (Cont.).
III. Their Name. A. Deacon - Diakonos (“minister” - “servant”). “Deacon” (3 - KJV). “Minister” (20 - KJV). “Servant” (7- KJV). Jesus (Rom 15:8); Phoebe (Rom 16:1,2) The church in Philippi (Phil 1:1). The Appointment & Work of Deacons III. Their Name.
IV. Their Work. A. The seven in the church in Jerusalem. Practical needs of the church. Relieved Apostles to concentrate on teaching the word (Acts 6:4). They also taught (Acts 6:8-10; Acts 8:5-8). The Appointment & Work of Deacons IV. Their Work.
B. From Paul’s Words (I Timothy 3:13). Good standing. Great boldness in the faith (Matthew 5:16). The Appointment & Work of Deacons IV. Their Work.