Welcome to Seminar HW215 Models of Health and Wellness Created by Jeanne Zyrkowski Adapted by Earon Davis Unit 7 Health and Wellness Model Design Geo-political Influences
AGENDA REVIEW OF UNIT 6: –Categories Game: Cancer Care Cancer Care UNIT 7: –Healthcare Technology QUESTIONS
CATEGORIES There are many factors that have an influence on cancer survival. They can be placed into four categories: treatment screeningeducationprevention I will give you a factor – you tell me which category it belongs in.
Surgery TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Colonoscopy TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Participating in Physical activity TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Avoiding exposure to harmful substances TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Encourage routine screenings TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
PAP smears TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Chemotherapy TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Maintaining an ideal body weight TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Recognize signs and symptoms TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Radiation TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Mammogram TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Promote early detection TreatmentScreeningEducationPrevention
Any questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
UNIT 7 - QUESTION 1 What are the benefits of advanced health care technologies?
UNIT 7 – QUESTION 2 What are the negative consequences of advanced healthcare technology?
UNIT 7 – QUESTION 3 What key advancements in health care technology occurred during the last few decades?
UNIT 7 – QUESTION 4 What geographic and political considerations accompany the use of advanced healthcare healthcare technology? technology?
UNIT 7 QUESTION 5 What are the functions of health- related internet sites?
UNIT 7 QUESTION 6 Why must health providers and consumers be careful in evaluating whether or not the internet information, product or service is appropriate?
Geopolitical Issues Affecting Healthcare Physical Situational / historical CulturalStructural Ref: Weiss, G., Lonnquist, L. (2006) The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness.
REFERENCES Microsoft Corporation. (2008). Microsoft clipart. Retrieved from Kaplan University. (2007). HW215 course materials. Retrieved from Holtz, C., (2008). Global health care: Issues and Policies. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers Holtz, C., (2008). Global health care: Issues and Policies. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers Weiss, G., Lonnquist, L. (2006) The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness.