The Greek Gods Leaders, Troublemakers, Thieves, Disobedient Rascals, and Promiscuous Sex Addicts
The Family Tree
Zeus Sky god and the chief of the gods
Hera Goddess of marriage and childbirth
Poseidon God of the sea and the earthquake.
Demeter Earth mother and the goddess of fertility and crops
Hestia Goddess of the hearth
Hades God of the Underworld
Athena Goddess of wisdom and skills
Apollo God of the Sun, music (etc.)
Artemis Goddess of hunting and the moon.
Hermes Messenger God
Aphrodite Goddess of beauty and love.
Hephaestos God of metalwork.
Ares God of war
Dionysus God of Wine and Celebration
Demi-gods and Heroes Often children of the Gods with mortals