Mythology in Modern America and the origin of words.
Hermes Messenger god; FTD flower deliver company incorporates Hermes and his winged heels in their logo.
PANDORA was the very first woman who was formed out of clay by the gods.
the Roman goddess of love and beauty
Versace uses the head of Medusa as their logo. Medusa originally a beautiful young woman whose crowning glory was her magnificent long hair, was desired and courted by many suitors. Yet before she could be betrothed to a husband, Poseidon (Neptune) found her worshipping in the temple of Athena (Minerva) and ravished her. Athena was outraged at her sacred temple being violated, and punished Medusa by turning her beautiful tresses into snakes and giving her the destructive power to turn anyone who looked directly at her into stone.
Aurora is the Roman personification of the dawn. She is also the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Eos
In Greek mythology Olympus was regarded as the "home" of the Twelve Olympian gods of the ancient Greek world
Prometheus The Titan who stole fire from Olympus
broke off a piece of the sun and he brought it back to earth for people, and that is how people got fire. When Zeus found out what Prometheus had done, he got mad all over again and chained Prometheus to a big rock. (He also punished the people by sending them Pandora). Every day a big eagle would come and eat Prometheus' liver. But because he was immortal and could not die, every night his liver grew back again, and then the next day the bird ate it again.
Pegusus is one of the best known fantastical as well as mythological creatures in Greek mythology. He is a winged divine horse, usually white in color. He was sired by Poseidon.
The symbol of Poseidon, god of the sea
Isis is a goddess that began in ancient Egypt and the worship of her spread to many places in the world. Isis is the goddess of motherhood and fertility. She is also the mother of Horus, and she married her brother, Osiris.
Ajax Greek warrior in the Trojan War, who cleaned up in battle. Name of a popular household cleaner.
Nike is the ancient Greek goddess of victory.
Atlas Doomed to support the heavens on his shoulders; a modern moving company
The 10 year sea voyage endured by the Trojan War hero, Odysseus, as he sought to return home to Ithica. Odyssey is a Honda product.
Midas King Midas is one of the most known myths in the Greek Mythology. King of Phrygia, Midas, wished everything he touched could turn to gold
Apollo God of light, music, masculine beauty Apollo Theater; Apollo Space missions
The Trojan war was a mythological battle between the people of Greece and the people of the city of Troy. Prince Paris of Troy abducted the wife of Menelaus of...
Orion is the legendary great hunter of the Greek mythology.
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a major god presiding over agriculture and the harvest time.
Greek words
Homework 1. Acme 2. Acropolis 3. Agora 4. Anathema 5. Anemia 6. Ethos 7. Dogma 8. Eureka 9. Genesis 10. Phobia 11. Plethora 12. Kudos Write a short definition for each and create a sentence using the word. Underline the word in the sentence.