Socks By: Beverly Cleary
Number of Pages 156
CHARACTERS Socks Charles Mrs. Bricker Mr. Bricker
Main Character Socks is a very curious cat. He is always wandering around the house exploring different things. Socks is a fluffy cat and the Brickers are always hugging him. Socks is a very kind cat. Socks has a lot of brothers and sisters, but he was adopted by the Brickers and was separated from them. Socks’ worst enemy is a cat named Old Taylor.
Setting Brickers house The back yard In front of a store
Main Setting The Main setting is the Bricker’s house. The Bricker’s house is where Socks lives. Many things have happened in Socks house. One event that took place in the house was when Socks bit Mrs. Bricker. Another event was when Socks stole a weenie and ran under Mrs. and Mr. Bricker’s bed. These are some examples of what went on in the Bricker’s house.
Plot Socks was the beloved pet of the Brickers . He was fed, played with, and cuddled so much. Then came Charles, the new baby. Socks started getting into so much trouble when the baby arrived. Socks got mad a lot because he now was not allowed to sit on Mr. and Mrs. Bricker’s lap, only Charles could. One such event was when Socks stole a weenie and ran under Mrs. and Mr. Bricker’s bed. Mr. Bricker took a broom and started shoving it under the bed. That went on for another 2 minutes. Mr. Bricker got tired so he gave up and said “Socks you can have it this time”.
The End By Charlie Nummer