ABET 101 What has happened so far? When is the ABET visit? Faculty Responsibilities Assessment Process
What has happened? CE & EE Self-Study Reports sent to ABET (July 1, 2004) Computer Engineering Evaluator – Diane Rover/Iowa State Electrical Engineering Evaluator – Omar Mazzoni/SRI, President ABET visit scheduled for Oct. 3, 4, 5
What has happened? (Cont.) Evaluators are reviewing the self-study reports Evaluators will be reviewing 6 student transcripts from graduates of each program.
ABET Visit : Oct 3, 4, 5 Sunday (Oct. 3) – Evaluators will visit Notebook Room (ECE 230H), tour labs(?), and tour building(?). Monday (Oct. 4) – Evaluators will meet with faculty, staff, and students. Tuesday (Oct. 5) – Evaluators will meet with faculty, staff, and students. Evaluators will write report and debrief Provost and President.
Faculty Responsibilities Notebook Preparation Meetings with Evaluators –Do you understand your program’s assessment process? –How has assessment improved your program? Particular courses? –Do you have enough resources (equipment, teaching assistants, graders, etc.) to accomplish your teaching responsibilities?
Notebook Preparation Checklist of items that you need to put into the course notebook –How does your course cover our program outcomes? –Course assessment –Student self-assessment survey Textbook(s) for the course may be required
UofA Mission College of Engr Mission ECE Mission CE ObjectivesEE Objectives CE Program Outcomes (ABET “a”-”k”) EE Program Outcomes (ABET “a”-”k”) Core Courses Technical Electives Extra- curricular Core Courses Technical Electives Extra- curricular Course Outcomes
Assessment Process Program Constituents (Stakeholders) –Faculty –Students –EPIC (Educational Partners in Industry Council) –Alumni
Assessment Process (Cont.) Educational Objectives –Reviewed, Modified, Approved by ECE faculty –Reviewed and Comments supplied by EPIC
Assessment Process (Cont.) Program Outcomes –Input supplied by EPIC –Input gathered from Alumni Surveys –Input gathered from Senior Exit Surveys –Discussed, Modified, Approved by ECE faculty Program Changes (Curriculum, Courses)
Assessment Process (Cont.) Program Changes (Curriculum, Courses) –Input supplied by EPIC –Input gathered from Alumni Surveys –Input gathered from Senior Exit Surveys –Discussed and Changes Suggested by Undergraduate Studies Committee –Discussed, Modified, Approved by ECE faculty