Scene Text Extraction Using Focus of Mobile Camera Egyul Kim, SeongHun Lee, JinHyung Kim Artificial Intelligence & Pattern Recognition Lab, KAIST, Korea Ming Chuang University Date: Location: th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 文件分析與辨識 國際研討會 S403-1
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Scene text extraction method 2.1 Selection of text color candidates 2.2 Extraction of connected components 2.3 Text verification 3.Experimental result 4.Conclusion /09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE DOI /ICDAR
1.Introduction : The Context 3
The challenging 4 Non-uniform illumination Lighting condition, shadows Complex background Outdoor images Complex color Complex layout Non-text pixels surround text pixels Window bars → ‘I’ (text-like)
Related work 5 Past … Sobel edge detection Otsu binarization Connected component extraction Rule-based connected component filtering Binarization to gray and gray inverse Color component Uniform background Complex background → missing, false Sol : interactive graph user interface
2. Scene text extraction method 6
2.1 Selection of text color candidates 1 7 HCL (Hue, chroma, luminance) Hue is Robust on illumination compare to luminance or RGB color Color difference between text : background D HCL = A L (l − l s ) 2 + A CH {c 2 + c 2 s − 2cc s cos(h − h s )} (1) √ ___________________________________________________ Seed color RGBHCL
Mean-Shift algorithm Non-parametric clustering 2~5 seed color Text boundary: Affect true text color Text & background combine Text segment into small pieces Sobel edge 2.1 Selection of text color candidates 2 8 seed’ j Figure 3. Color distributions of pixel samples
2.2 Extraction of connected components 1 9 Binarization method Base on HCL color space Figure 4. Components expansion 0:1
Connected component ? 10
2.2 Extraction of connected components 2 11 Adaptive binarization Local vs. Global threshold Text candidate Fully connected component in binarization Initial component Figure 5. Binarization result: (a)original image (b)HCL distance on seed color (c)Global binarization result (d)adaptive binarization result
2.3 Text verification 12 Character features Horizontal Geometric restrictions(height, width, compactness) Final text reject reasons (1) Number of components ≥ 3 (2) Variation of distance between components (3) Variation of heights of components (4) Variation of compactness of components Figure 6. Text verification
4. Conclusion 1.Text color candidate Pixel sampling Mean-shift alg. 2.Connected components HCL distance Adaptive Binarization 3.Text Verification True text components 13 PrecisionRecall Proposed method (0.89) Figure 7. Example of text detection results
Senior citizen reading assisting 14
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