NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Observed Differences Between Infrared and Microwave Products Detailed comparisons between infrared and microwave SST products show complex spatial and temporal differences.
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Data Sources Infrared –AVHRR Operational NLSST - Naval Oceanographic Office Microwave –TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) Remote Sensing Systems – Wentz and Gentemann Buoys –QC’d GTS buoys via NCEP/CDC
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Potential Microwave Error Contributions 3-D look-up table considering wind speed, SST, and water vapor
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Estimated Microwave Bias
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Stability Impact
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Potential Infrared Error Contributions 2-D look-up table considering water vapor and SST
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Estimated Infrared Bias
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Infrared Aerosol Error Contributions Derived from matches with TMI
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Impact of Bias Corrections Bias: 0.21 K STD: 0.44 K Bias: K STD: 0.27 K
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Impact on OI Analysis August 2000 No Corrections –bias: 0.08 K –rms: 0.61 K With Corrections –bias: –rms: 0.59
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick New Humidity and Temperature Products Produced new near-surface specific humidity and air temperature products Combination of SSM/I and AMSU Retrieval derived through regression to cruise observations
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick What Factors Explain the Differences Simple linear correlation analysis Quantities readily in MW products + T a /q a Leading terms q s -q a and T s -T a Applies to both TMI and MCSST Highly sensitive to choice of surface temperature
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick TMI Results
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick MCSST Results
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick Additional MCSST Impact
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory Gary A. Wick