Co-dominance Inheritance You are a product of your family and your environment.
Types of inheritance Autosomal Dominant/Recessive –B vs b –One allele is dominant over another allele X-linked Dominant/Recessive –X vs Y –Alleles are only found on X –Related to gender Codominance –One allele does not dominate
Codominance Different alleles make different versions of proteins One is not more dominant than the other They work together to create a new phenotype
Snapdragons: Type of flower Come in a variety of colors One color is not more dominant than another
Incomplete dominance Alleles –Are equal Heterozygotes create a third intermediate phenotype RR= red WW= white RW= pink
Multiple Alleles Alleles are different versions of same gene –Make slightly different versions of same protein Sometimes more than 2 alleles Multiple alleles –Ex. Blood type
Blood Type Red blood cells –Carry oxygen to all body cells –Remove waste away –Fight infection and disease Covered in certain proteins and sugars
I gene: Causes red blood cell to express a specific carbohydrate on surface –A –B –or both A and B -none Whatever molecules you express is what blood type you are
4 Blood Types(Phenotypes4 Blood Types(Phenotypes) 4 Blood Types(Phenotypes Type A –Has only A molecules Type B –Has only B molecules Type AB –Has both A and B molecules Type 0 –Has no A or B molecules
Blood Type Genotypes Three alleles –I A –I B –I 0 Co dominance –Ex. I A I A =Type A blood type I A I 0 = Type A blood type I A I B = Type AB blood type I A0 I 0 = Type 0 blood type
Blood type is crucial in medicine People often need transfusions –Loss of blood Wrong blood type –Causes blood clots to form –Can cause heart attacks and strokes or death
Rejection Make antibodies to whatever molecules you don’t have –Ex. Type A rejects any cells with B on them Type A can’t accept type B or AB blood Reject blood