Space News Update - February 18, In the News Story 1: Story 1: Lunar rover wakes up after near-death experience Story 2: Story 2: SLS launch rate requires repetitive cadence – Gerstenmaier Story 3: Story 3: Voyager, the space triumph that nearly wasn't Departments The Night Sky ISS Sighting Opportunities NASA-TV Highlights Space Calendar Food for Thought Space Image of the Week
Lunar rover wakes up after near-death experience See the landing site here:
SLS launch rate requires repetitive cadence – Gerstenmaier
Voyager, the space triumph that nearly wasn't
The Night Sky Tuesday, February 18 By 11 p.m. the waning gibbous Moon is up in the east. Lower left of it shines Spica, and left of Spica, brighter Mars. Very far off to their left, the spring star Arcturus is already climbing the sky. See the scene at left for how the Moon, Mars and Spica are arranged by dawn on Wednesday morning. Wednesday, February 19 Go out after 11 tonight, and low in the east- southeast, where the Moon has just risen or is about to rise, you'll find bright, fiery Mars with Spica to its right. Thursday, February 20 As dawn breaks Friday morning the 21st, spot the waning Moon in the south with Saturn to its left. Off to their right are Mars and Spica (out of the frame above). Friday, February 21 Capella passes closest to straight overhead (for skywatchers at mid-northern latitudes) around 7 p.m. now, depending on how far east or west you are in your time zone. At the time this happens, Rigel in Orion's leading foot marks due south. Saturday, February 22 This year's big, bright "Winter Diamond" — Jupiter at its top, Sirius at the bottom, and Procyon and Betelgeuse forming its two side corners — stands upright in the south around 8 or 9 p.m. now. Sky & Telescope
ISS Sighting Opportunities Sighting information for other cities can be found at NASA’s Satellite Sighting InformationSatellite Sighting Information ISS For Denver: DateVisibleMax HeightAppearsDisappears Tue Feb 18, 7:18 PM1 min15°10 above NNW15 above N Wed Feb 19, 6:30 PM3 min14°10 above NNW10 above NE Wed Feb 19, 8:06 PM< 1 min12°10 above NW12 above NW Thu Feb 20, 7:17 PM2 min28°10 above NW28 above N Fri Feb 21, 6:28 PM4 min21°11 above NNW14 above ENE Fri Feb 21, 8:05 PM< 1 min18°15 above WNW18 above WNW Sat Feb 22, 7:15 PM3 min78°10 above NW77 above ENE
NASA-TV Highlights (all times Eastern Daylight Time) Watch NASA TV online by going to the NASA websiteNASA website February 18, Tuesday 6 a.m. - Coverage of the Orbital Sciences/Cygnus Departure from the ISS (Cygnus release scheduled at 6:40 a.m. EST) - JSC (All Channels) February 19, Wednesday 1:30 p.m. - ISS Expedition 38 In-Flight Interview with the ABC Digital On-Line Network - JSC (All Channels) February 20, Thursday 1:10 p.m. - ISS Expedition 38 In-Flight Event for “Destination Station” at Cal State Los Angeles - JSC (All Channels)
Space Calendar JPL Space Calendar Feb 18 - [Feb 09] Comet C/2014 C2 (STEREO) Perihelion (0.512 AU)Comet C/2014 C2 (STEREO) Feb 18 - Comet P/2013 TL117 (Lemmon) Perihelion (1.118 AU)Comet P/2013 TL117 (Lemmon)Perihelion Feb 18 - Comet 58P/Jackson-Neujmin At Opposition (4.253 AU)Comet 58P/Jackson-NeujminAt Opposition Feb 18 - Asteroid 2000 EM26 Near-Earth Flyby (0.023 AU)Asteroid 2000 EM26Near-Earth Flyby Feb 19 - Comet P/2012 WA34 (Lemmon-PANSTARRS) Closest Approach To Earth (2.822 AU)Comet P/2012 WA34 (Lemmon-PANSTARRS)Closest Approach To Earth Feb 19 - Comet 242P/Spahr Closest Approach To Earth (3.970 AU)Comet 242P/SpahrClosest Approach To Earth Feb 19 - [Feb 12] Asteroid 2014 CE13 Near-Earth Flyby (0.089 AU)Asteroid 2014 CE13Near-Earth Flyby Feb 19 - [Feb 11] Asteroid 3031 Houston Closest Approach To Earth (1.123 AU)Asteroid 3031 Houston Feb 19 - Asteroid Wikipedia Closest Approach To Earth (1.744 AU)Asteroid Wikipedia Feb 20 -[Feb 15] GPS 2F-5 Delta 4M LaunchGPS 2F-5Delta 4M Launch Feb 20 - Comet C/2013 V3 (Nevski) At Opposition (1.210 AU)Comet C/2013 V3 (Nevski)At Opposition Feb 20 - Comet C/2012 X2 (PANSTARRS) Closest Approach To Earth (4.464 AU)Comet C/2012 X2 (PANSTARRS)Closest Approach To Earth Feb 20 - Comet C/2013 F2 (Catalina) At Opposition (5.698 AU)Comet C/2013 F2 (Catalina)At Opposition Feb 20 - Asteroid 2014 BR57 Near-Earth Flyby (0.011 AU)Asteroid 2014 BR57Near-Earth Flyby Feb 20 - Asteroid 6524 Baalke Closest Approach To Earth (1.443 AU)Asteroid 6524 Baalke Feb 20 - [Feb 11] Asteroid 827 Wolfiana Closest Approach To Earth (1.560 AU)Asteroid 827 Wolfiana Feb 20 - Asteroid 2919 Dali Closest Approach To Earth (2.451 AU)Asteroid 2919 Dali Feb th Anniversary (1994), Clementine, Moon Orbit InsertionClementine Feb 21 - Moon Occults SaturnMoon Occults Saturn Feb 21 - Comet C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) Perihelion (1.599 AU)Comet C/2012 X1 (LINEAR)Perihelion Feb 21 - Comet 168P/Hergenrother At Opposition (3.262 AU)Comet 168P/HergenrotherAt Opposition Feb 21 - Comet C/2013 B2 (Catalina) Closest Approach To Earth (3.338 AU)Comet C/2013 B2 (Catalina)Closest Approach To Earth Feb 21 - Comet P/2011 R3 (Novichonok-Gerke) At Opposition (3.630)Comet P/2011 R3 (Novichonok-Gerke)At Opposition Feb 21 - Asteroid 2 Pallas Occults TYC (9.4 Magnitude Star)Asteroid 2 Pallas Occults TYC Feb 21 - [Feb 13] Asteroid 1995 CR Near-Earth Flyby (0.020 AU)Asteroid 1995 CRNear-Earth Flyby Feb 21 - Asteroid 2012 DY43 Near-Earth Flyby (0.040 AU)Asteroid 2012 DY43Near-Earth Flyby Feb 21 - Asteroid 1278 Kenya Closest Approach To Earth (2.067 AU)Asteroid 1278 Kenya Feb 21 - Meeting: The Life of Solar Prominences, London, United KingdomMeeting: The Life of Solar Prominences Feb 22 - Asteroid 4464 Vulcano Closest Approach To Earth (1.148 AU)Asteroid 4464 Vulcano Feb 22 - Asteroid 2874 Jim Young Closest Approach To Earth (1.356 AU)Asteroid 2874 Jim Young Feb 22 - Asteroid Texas Closest Approach To Earth (1.846 AU)Asteroid Texas Feb 22 - Asteroid 6456 Golombek Closest Approach To Earth (1.909 AU)Asteroid 6456 GolombekClosest Approach To Earth Feb 22 - Asteroid Ecuador Closest Approach To Earth (2.362 AU)Asteroid Ecuador
Food for Thought Responding to Potential Asteroid Redirect Mission Targets
Space Image of the Week Image Credit & Copyright: César Blanco González IC 1805: Light from the Heart