TAKING NOTES!!!!! 1) If something is underlined you must write it down. 2) If it is not underlined that does not mean that you shouldn't write it down, it just means that you don't have to
What would you have to write down on this page????? Our class motto is “We will make a difference by working hard, being smart and by never giving up.”
What do scientists use experiments for?
Scientists use experiments to answer questions they have about the world
What kinds of questions can scientists answer using experiments? Scientists can only answer some questions with experiments These questions are called testable questions
A testable question is not a belief or opinion A testable question has a correct answer What is a testable question????
An example of a testable question is: How tall are you? Is the answer to this question an opinion?
An example of a question that is not testable is: What is the best flavor of ice cream? Is this answer an opinion?
Let's practice: 1) Write an example of a testable question. 2) Write an example of a question that is NOT testable.
The entire class will practice… -I will ask the question -The entire class will either give a thumbs up if it is a testable question or -Make a X with their arms to show me that it is not a testable question -Lets try a few questions out!
The question: Is this the best class in the whole entire world?
How many desks are in this classroom?
Are there more boys or girls in the 6 th grade at Higgins Middle School?
Why has my ipod stopped working?
What kind of music should I listen to on my ipod?
Great Job!! Now take out a new sheet of paper. -write your name in the top right corner -then write “Exit Slip” as the title -You will answer the 5 questions silently, all by yourself, I want to see how much you have learned!
1.What do scientists use experiments for? 2. What is the definition of a scientific question? 3. Ms. West asks you what your favorite subject is. Is this a testable question?
4. Lamar wants to know what the average weight of the 6 th graders in his science class is. Is this a testable question? 5. Write a question that is NOT testable: 6. Write a question that is testable:
Homework 8/13 1. What do scientists use experiments for? a. to collect data b. to answer questions c. to make money d. so they can do math problems
2. A testable scientific question is a. a belief about the world b. an opinion about the world c. a question that can be answered by an experiment d. any question at all
3. An example of a testable question is: a. Is your favorite food bacon? b. Does Lakayla have black hair? c. Who is the best teacher at Oakhurst? d. How many inches will it snow in December?
4. An example of a question that is not testable is: a. Are boys taller than girls? b. What is the best flavor of ice cream? c. How many people in the class wear a size 8 shoe? d. What is the average weight of all Oakhurst 6 th graders?
5. Write an example of a testable question: 6. Write an example of a question that is not testable: