Beam development for the Center of Excellence for RIB Studies for Stewardship Sciences – Target and ion source for screening studies at Oak Ridge Workshop on Radioactive Ion Beam Purification CERN, Sep 4 th 2007 Cara Jost
Holifield RIB ORNL Accelerators: Cyclotron ORIC Tandem (25MV) RIB production: RIB platform High Power Target Lab On-line Test Facility UNISOR 50 MeV protons, 12 µA 50 MeV protons, 20 µA 40 MeV protons, 50 nA
On-line Test Facility UNISOR Tandem beam: protons (40 MeV, max. 50 nA); heavy ions Ion source: EBPIS or KENIS TIS corresponds to HRIBF production platform → yields scalable Moving tape station + γ-detector Low radiation → TIS accessible shortly after irradiation
Modified TIS for screening experiments Transfer line: modified copy of ISOLDE prototype #1 Ion source: standard EBPIS (MK5) Cathode current connected at end of transfer line Opening in the line to change trapping materials Additional line heating to vary temperature
Screening studies: Trapping materials Retention time on trapping material: Material dependence: chemical composition, surface and bulk structure Temperature dependence (mostly) Ceramic materials: Wide range of chemical compounds and structures High temperature stability Low vapor pressure
Screening studies: Experiments Materials to use: -Tantalum (as base line) -Quartz (comparison with ISOLDE data) -Aluminum oxide (Doping?) -Silicon carbide Elements to be surveyed: -Sr / Rb (→ (d,p) experiments) -Ag to Cs
Screening studies: Experiments Data: -Yield measurements (different half-lives) -Hold-up times -Changes in yields / hold-up times with line temperature
Ken Carter, Andreas Kronenberg, Charles Reed Dan Stracener Oliver Arndt, Karl-Ludwig Kratz Elian Bouquerel, Thierry Stora Thanks to: