I hope you like it
YA’AKOV “KOBI” SHIMONI(Subliminal) By Arianna Stassa
Subliminal is a rapper. For right now, he only raps in hebrew, his next step is to rap in english.
Facts about Ya'akov Shimoni Legal name: "Ya'akov Shimoni", "Ya Shimoni" Genre: hip hop music, Hip hophip hop music, Hip hop Record label: Helicon Records Born: 1979, November 1979, November 13th 1979, Israel, Asia, …1979, November 1979, November 13th 1979, Israel, Asia, … Website : Active: 1999 onwards Full name: "Ya Shimoni", "Ya'akov Shimoni" Origin: Israel, Tel AvivIsrael, Tel Aviv Occupation: RapperRapper Last Name: "Shimoni" First Name:"Ya"
More facts about Ya'akov Shimoni Organisations: Mizrahi JewsMizrahi Jews Born during: 1970s Attributes: hip hop music, male, Hip hop, Mizrahi Jewship hop music, male, Hip hop, Mizrahi Jews Rare Terms: "the subliminal", "the kobi shimoni", "kobi shimoni", "the tact records", "tact records” Birthday: the 13th of Novemberthe 13th of November
resources en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subliminal_(rapper) Also help from lexis presentation
Bye!!! I hope you learned something from this presentation! PEACE!