2 nd Editorial Board Meeting JRC Ispra, November 26 th 2004 Soil of Atlas Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

2 nd Editorial Board Meeting JRC Ispra, November 26 th 2004 Soil of Atlas Europe

2 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 2 Goals of the meeting Explain progress Discuss outstanding issues Collect general feedback and guidance Allocate final tasks! Gather sufficient information to produce final draft Atlas Launch Event

3 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 3 Progress Considerable…. ….. but slower than expected! Text edited, “harmonised”, “simplified” Draft layout of text and graphical elements Full scale draft completed and dispatched Processing feedback.

4 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 4 Timetable 2004 Today = Definitive format, structure & contents By Xmas = Final list of graphics sent to LJ By Xmas = Main body of text finalised and sent to LJ 2005 Mid January = Agreement on regional text boxes and other map texts End January = all text and graphical elements with LJ End February = production of final draft and dispatch for comments Mid March = deadline for comments – factual or errors only End March = Final check and OK to produce files for printing April = delivery of files to printer End May = Published Atlas June = Atlas Launch Event

5 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 5 Publication Launch event! Pricing Distribution Strategy

6 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 6 Who will read the atlas? Reference work for EU citizens & Policy makers Not aimed specifically at Soil Scientists Raise profile of soil and related issues Publicise the work of the ESB Network

7 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 7 Draft Atlas Still a draft! Basis for discussion Indication of layout, text volumes and content Draft graphics Identify errors

8 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 8 General comments Overall impressions Structure Content Detailed comments on bilateral basis

9 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 9 Issues Cover Initial Pages Introduction WRB European Maps International Section Soil Database Soil Properties Maps Threats Additional information See individual files

10 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 10 What next? CD? Posters? Atlas of World Soils?

11 Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004 Slide 11 Publication Launch event! Pricing Distribution Strategy