Dates and Times Assessment On-line Application Medical Conditions Rubrics Body Parts
yuè 月 month rì 日 day
Numbers Numbers 数数 NumbersNumbersDates ___ 月 ___ 日 How to write numbers in Chinese?
时间 shí jiān time
Review Body Parts ěrduo 耳朵 bízi 鼻子 yǎnjing 眼睛 zuǐ 嘴 shǒu 手 jiǎo 脚 gēbo 胳膊 tuǐ 腿
When “Xiao Ming says pointing to your…”, point to the body part. Xiao Ming Shuo (says)…
医生 yī shēng doctor
How are you feeling? 不舒服 bù shū fu, not feeling good, sick 头晕 tóu yūn, dizzy 恶心 ěxīn, vomiting 疼, téng ache 咳嗽 késòu, cough
Please match the words to the pictures
不舒服 bù shū fu, not feeling good, sick
恶心 ěxīn, vomiting
头晕 tóu yūn, dizzy
咳嗽 késòu, cough
疼, téng ache
On-line Application On-line Application
Step-by-step procedure on making appointment 1.Choose the doctor that you want to see. 2.Choose the date and time. 3.State the reasons that you need to see the doctor. 4.Print and your appointment reminder sheet.
Teacher’s Demonstration In Chinese Student’s Demonstration I want to make an appointment with Dr. Wang on April 15 th. I would like to schedule the appointment at 1 p.m.. My arm hurts. I am also having a fever.
Assessment Make a appointment on-line: 1.Follow the information on the card 2.Choose the doctor that you will see 3.Choose the date and time 4.State the reasons that you need to see the doctor. 5.Print and your appointment reminder sheet.
Rubrics Total scores (30 points +5 bonus points) 1.Choose the correct doctor (5 points) 2.Choose the correct month (5 points) 3.Choose the correct date (5 points) 4.Choose the correct time (5 points) 5.Choose the correct area(s) that has pain (5 points) 6.Choose the correct medical condition (5 points) 7.States the allergy issues clearly (5 bonus points)