Suggestopedia Lecture # 12
Review of the last lecture Suggestion Desuggestion Basic Concepts: Authority; Infantilization Comfort Peripheral Learning Teacher de-suggest the barriers and makes learning fun Student must respect the teacher and accept his authority Grammar and vocabulary are taught superficially MT and Translation are used to communicate meanings Errors are tolerated and corrected indirectly later.
Suggestopedia Two kinds of materials : 1.Direct support: texts and tapes 2. Indirect support: classroom decoration and music
Suggestopedia Zero beginners are different from false beginners. Students are required to talk ex tempore (not from memorized lines ).
Suggestopedia Students are immersed in the method and forget their past (new names). Words are taught in word pairs.
Suggestopedia: The texts should be emotionally and motivationally powerful. They have literary value. Musical background leads to relaxed body and alert mind.
Techniques and Classroom set-up Classroom Set-up Dim lights Soft music Cushioned armchairs Wall decorated with scenes from a country where target language is spoken.
Techniques Peripheral Learning Posters containing grammatical information about the target language
Techniques Positive Suggestions: Direct Suggestion: Teacher tells students that they are going to be successful Indirect Suggestion: music and cool environment
Techniques Visualization: Visualization is another vehicle for positive suggestions/ Students close their eyes…..
Techniques Choosing a new identity: students choose target language names and professions Later, they give their profiles…..
Techniques Role –Play: Students are asked to pretend as if they are in a party and meeting people …… First Concert: Teacher reads the dialogue; students have the copy of dialog Receptive phase of lesson The teacher reads with the music Second Concert: The students are asked to put their scripts aside. The close their eyes and listen as the teacher reads the dialog
Techniques: Primary Activation: Students reread the target language dialog out loud, as individuals or in groups. Three groups of read the dialog in a particular manner: The first group, sadly; the next, angrily; the last, amorously (lovingly) Secondary Action: Singing, dancing, dramatization, and games
Advantages of Suggestopedia Motivation and self-confidence Less stressed
Disadvantages of Suggestopedia Hard to find colorful environment Concentration problems
Conclusion Learning is facilitated by environment and music. Teacher is the authority. Psychological barriers are removed. In texts target language and its native language are given.
Important Questions Which connections you make between Suggestopedia and your approach to teaching? Does SUG makes sense to you? Should direct and indirect suggestion be used? Should learning be made as enjoyable as possible? Which principle of SUG do you accept?