01/05 Bellringer 5+ sentences The United States is the longest lasting democracy in recorded history. Over the course of the nation’s existence, we’ve faced social, political, and economic struggles. What do you believe is the biggest struggle the United States will face in your lifetime?
Impact of 9/11 Creation of New Departments Patriot Act
Impact of 9/11 War on Terror -al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden -Taliban in Afghanistan -Saddam Hussein in Iraq
Hurricane Katrina Largest and 3 rd strongest US hurricane New Orleans and the Gulf Coast 1,836 killed…~1,000 were senior citizens $81 billion in property damage; $150 billion economic impact
Election of 2008 Barak Obama was elected as the nation’s first African American president.
Major Events in the Obama Administration March 23, 2010: Obama signs the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) into law. February 17,2009: Obama signs the $787 billion Economic Stimulus Bill into Law.
Major Events in the Obama Administration May 1, 2011: US forces track down and kill terrorist Osama Bin Laden during a raid in Pakistan. September 11, 2012: The US consulate in Benghazi, Libya is attacked by terrorists. The US ambassador and three others are killed.
Major Events in the Obama Administration April 15, 2013: Two bombs were detonated near the finish line of the Boston Marathon killing 3 people and wounding over 200. September 10, 2014: Obama commits the US to helping fight against ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). About a week later, the US begins airstrikes.
Other 21 st Century Issues Ebola – a virus that causes severe bleeding, organ failure and can lead to death if not treated Pirates in Somalia – overfishing has led former fishermen and war clans to become pirates – ransom for the release of ships is “easy” money
The Election of 2016 Republican Potentials Jeb Bush Ben Carson Chris Christie Ted Cruz Marco Rubio Rick Santorum Donald Trump Democrat Potentials Hillary Clinton Martin O’Malley Bernie Sanders