Don Norman’s Fall 2003 Seminar 8-Dimensional Digital Photography for Historical Preservation Jack Tumblin
Museum Challenge The Vast Lonely Warehouse, $tarved Share, Preserve, and Educate (aquire, restore, explore…) Can’t we do better than just web photos?
Better: Other, Multiple Viewpoints? Paul Rademacher, “Multiple Center of Projection Images” SIGGRAPH1998
Malzbender,HPlabs “ Polynomial Texture Maps ” SIGG2001 Better: Variable Lighting? Get: Interactive synthetic re-lighting... Find: just 6 coeffs/pixel
A Complete ‘Optical Archive’ ? SIGGRAPH 1996: ‘4D Light Fields’ or ‘Lumigraph’: Camera AngularResolution: at camera? at camera? at surface pt? at surface pt? Levoy et al.Gortler et al.
Coupling Between:Coupling Between: –Orthographic camera, (x,y) positioned on sphere, ( , ) and –Orthographic projector, (x,y) positioned on sphere ( , ). F( x c, y c, c, c, x p, y p, p, p,, t) How: An ‘8-D Appearance Field’ camera cccc cccc
Coupling Between:Coupling Between: –Orthographic camera, (x,y) positioned on sphere, ( , ) and –Orthographic projector, (x,y) positioned on sphere ( , ). F( x c, y c, c, c, x p, y p, p, p,, t) How: An ‘8-D Appearance Field’ camera cccc cccc Projector (laser brick) pppp pppp
Conclusions Unified Ray ArchiveUnified Ray Archive More photos completeMore photos complete Preposterously huge, redundantPreposterously huge, redundant Many new tricks needed…Many new tricks needed…
Seitz: ‘View Morphing’ SIGG`96 m m m m Mix 2D and VERY SPARSE 3D data…
Seitz: ‘View Morphing’ SIGG`96
Seitz: ‘View Morphing’ SIGG`96
Seitz: ‘View Morphing’ SIGG`96
Seitz: ‘View Morphing’ SIGG`96
‘Scene’ causes Light Field Light field: holds all outgoing light rays Shape,Position,Movement, BRDF,Texture,Scattering EmittedLight Reflected,Scattered, Light … Cameras capture subset of these rays.
? Can we recover Shape ? Can you find ray intersections? Or ray depth?
? Can we recover Surface Material ? Can you find ray intersections? Or ray depth? Ray colors might not match for non-diffuse materials (BRDF)