Conference Highlights February 9-11, 2016
DAY 1 February 9
This workshop provided strategic insights into policy and program tools for community-wide implementation of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), to reduce stormwater runoff volumes and achieve water quality and quantity targets. 2 Full-Day Training Session Implementing Community-Wide Green Stormwater Infrastructure
This interactive session helped build participants' skills for dealing with failure, explored the reasons some sustainability initiatives fail and identified best practices for building an organization where innovation, learning and sustainability thrive. 3 Full-Day Training Session The F-Word: Intelligent Failure for a Sustainable Future
This workshop focused on building an understanding of how asset management is a powerful tool that can be used to embed social, environmental and economic considerations into municipal decision-making. 4 Full-Day Training Session Asset Management for Sustainability: Enabling Integrated Planning and Development Decisions
This session equipped participants with the principles of Envision®, a system for decision making that helps municipalities answer tough questions like “what is the best infrastructure project to pursue?” and “how do we pursue it?” 5 Full-Day Training Session Envision® Training: Unleashing the Power of Life Cycle Management
This fast-paced session featured Dutch traffic engineer, architect, public space designer and former city councillor Dick van Veen. Participants learned from Dutch inspiration how to analyze roads in their community according to function, speed and user behaviour. 6 Full-Day Training Session/Study Tour Combo Complete Streets in Action: Sustainable Streets for All Road Users
This workshop provided an opportunity for participants to share barriers and opportunities in planning their new wastewater treatment systems. The site visit to the Robert O. Pickard Environmental Centre showcased leading practices from the City of Ottawa in wastewater treatment and management. 7 Full-Day Training Session/Study Tour Combo Best Practice in Wastewater Treatment: Lessons from the Green Municipal Fund and the City of Ottawa
This interactive workshop for municipal practitioners and other stakeholders involved in site revitalization and redevelopment focused on integrating cost-effective, sustainable approaches during the brownfield redevelopment process. The workshop included a tour of the proposed Zibi development; a 37-acre riverfront redevelopment project that straddles two cities and provincial borders and is rich in history. 8 Full-Day Training Session/Study Tour Combo Cost-Effective and Sustainable Approaches to Brownfield Redevelopment
This training session provided an opportunity for sustainability professionals to discuss major adaptation challenges. Participants were guided through resources to better mitigate local climate impacts. 9 Half-Day Training Session Applying Tools to Build Resilience in Local Communities
DAY 2 February 10
Opening Ceremony and Plenary
Workshops Delegates learned how continued professional development can help build more sustainable communities. They also learned how to use social capital to build greater sustainability and resilience. And they learned how a standardized approach to energy benchmarking simplifies policy development and implementation. 12 Wednesday morning
Lunch Keynote Address The Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Wednesday afternoon
Workshops In the afternoon, delegates heard about how FCM’s Green Municipal Fund works to enable local leadership in sustainability. They discussed how communities can improve their human and tree canopy health through knowledge, innovation and best urban forest practices. And they examined opportunities and best-practices for building, operating, renewing and decommissioning buildings to meet their climate change obligations. Wednesday afternoon
Workshops Also on Wednesday afternoon, delegates learned about collaboration between municipalities and neighbouring First Nations communities. They heard different perspectives on eliminating carbon-based energy systems. And they heard how municipalities around the world are adopting LED and connected lighting technology to make communities safer and accelerate energy plans. Wednesday afternoon
Study Tours Wednesday afternoon Delegates wanting to learn more about leading-edge wastewater and drinking water infrastructure in rural communities visited Chelsea, QC, where Council recently implemented an innovative approach to wastewater management that addresses the community's challenge of a lack of space for traditional lagoons. Delegates looking to diversify their rural community visited Chelsea, QC, and learned about innovative approaches to densification, local food production, social connections, and smart growth.
Sustainable Communities Awards and PCP Milestone Recognition Ceremony Wednesday evening
DAY 3 February 11
Plenary Panel: My Hometown in 2050 Thursday morning
Workshops On Thursday morning, delegates looked at how small and rural communities have increased their economic vitality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and saved money. Delegates heard from leading municipalities that are measuring the value of natural assets and incorporating them into their core financial processes and infrastructure design. And they learned how comprehensive mapping data can be used to determine flood risks, including costs, risks, and what Canadians can do to protect themselves. Thursday morning
Workshops In the afternoon, delegates explored a range of innovative sustainability approaches that are ready for the mainstream. Delegates learned how open data and social media can achieve concrete environmental results in a community context. They also heard insights on new ways of thinking when it comes to building safer and healthier communities. Thursday afternoon
Study Tours In the morning, delegates had the opportunity to join the Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation in a visit to its greenest building—Beaver Barracks—to explore the property’s innovative resident engagement program. In the afternoon, delegates learned about the evolution of rapid transit in Ottawa, from the successful bus-based Transitway system to Light Rail Transit. Thursday
Closing Plenary and Keynote Thursday afternoon
Trade Show Wednesday and Thursday