TQA’s in the Sulaimani Technical Eng. College (Achievements & Improvements) By Dr. Sadiq E. Abduall Dr. Akram H. Shather Dep. of Production& Metallurgy Dep. of Communication Eng. Nov.2015
Outlines: 1. Introduction. 2. The College Organization & Management 3. College Strategy. 4. the Result of this strategy. 5. Recommendations.
1.Introduction: The Engineering Technical College was established on This College is consist of three departments: –Communication Eng. Dep. –Production Eng. & Metallurgy Dep. –City Planning Eng. Dep. Which were already exist in the Sulaimani technical college that was established on (2004).
2. The College Organization and Management:
This organization has the following Properties: The communication mechanisms are effective. The key staff and office functions roles are clearly understood. The workloads in the college are sometimes greater than those in UK or USA (Teaching jobs) and less than w.r.t some management jobs.
In ; the number of staff members in each dep. can be illustrated in the following table: Dep.Number of Staff Members Communication Eng. 13 Metallurgy & Production Eng. 16 City Planning Eng.13
The classification of the staff members in the college:
The following table shows the gender of those staff members MaleFemale 2715
While the number of the college students in was ( 506 ) classified as the following table shows: Dep.Number of Students Communication Eng. 170 Metallurgy & Production Eng. 196 City Planning Eng.140
The minimum grades for those students can be given the following table: Dep.Minimum grade Communication Eng Metallurgy & Production Eng. 90 City Planning Eng.91
Each dep. has the following number of staff rooms, halls and laboratories: Dep. Staff Rooms Teaching Halls Labs. Communication Eng. 567 Metallurgy & Production Eng City Planning Eng. 543
3. The College Strategy The outlines of the college strategy are: 1. Increasing the number of Staff members in each dep.. 2. Improving the new members’ teaching ability. 3. Establishing the postgraduate studies programs in the college. 4. Increasing the scientific researches in the college. 5. Curriculum development & review.
6. Increasing the number of seminars. 7. Improving the Management's mechanism. 8. Increasing the population awareness with the technical dep. in the college and their role in the modern life.
4. The Results of the College Strategy: During the last two academic years we got the following results of the college plans and strategy: 1. The number of staff members is increased as the following table shows:
Dep.No. of S.M in No. of S.M in Communication Eng Metallurgy & Production Eng City Planning Eng. 710
This increasing: i. Gave each dep. more stability in teaching jobs. ii. Decreased the teaching loads for each staff member to have more productivity in scientific research. iii. Contributed in improving the minimum average of the feedback from students (from 2.9 in to 3.3 in in Communication dep. for Example)
2. Establishing the postgraduate program for M. Sc. degree in Communication Eng. Dep. in The dep. of Metallurgy & Production Eng. will establish programs for M. Sc. degree in the following fields on : -Industrial Eng. -Metallurgy. -Production.
3. The number of scientific researches is increased in each dep. of the college as the following table shows:
Dep.No. of S.R in No. of S.R in Communication Eng Metallurgy & Production Eng. 69 City Planning Eng. 57
4. Review for the teaching programs in the Dep. of i. Communication Eng. (which reduce the total number of unit from 176 to 151 unit; and focus about the modern fields in communication). ii. Metallurgy & production Eng. (which change some subjects to another modern ones. iii. City Planning Eng. (which design new program).
Also the college is planning to construct three new dep.: -Power & Electronic Eng. -Petroleum Eng. -Mechatronics Eng.
5. The number of seminars in the College is increased: In the number was 88 seminars. Many seminars were about the staff articles that published in different journals (local and international). Some staff members made use of some seminars to go on team work researches.
6. The population awareness with the dep. of the college and their role in life is increased especially after the six workshops that held in the college, and the university with different governmental offices and companies.
7. Learning outcomes (graduated students): The college outcomes have been employed in different governmental offices and companies in increasing way year by a year. There are :5 postgraduate students of the Communication dep.; 6 postgraduate students of the Production dep.; and 5 postgraduate students of the City plan eng. dep. Of them: 10 Ph.D. students outside the country; and 6 MS.C. students inside & outside the country. There are 87 students joined the college by the polytechnic system from the technical institutes.
According to these points the number of students who wish to join to the college; and their grade; are increased as well. The following tables show the number of students in first stage in the college dep. and their minimum grades for the last two years:
Dep. No. of 1 st stage student in Minimum grade No. of 1 st stage student in Minimum grade Communication Eng Metallurgy & Production Eng City Planning Eng
5. Recommendations: The college need more discussion and the support of the UNESCO in: 1. The conferences & workshops fields. 2. The E-managements. 3. Development programs. 4. The postgraduate programs. 5. Scientific research programs.
Thank you