Flygteknik, Oktober -10 FLIGHT RESULTS FROM PRISMA FORMATION FLYING AND RENDEZVOUS DEMONSTRATION MISSION Staffan PerssonSwedish Space Corporation Per BodinSwedish Space Corporation
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep The mission DEMO OF FORMATION FLYING AND RENDEZVOUS TECHNOLOGY GPS RF sensor Vision Based Sensor Flight demonstration of motor tech HPGP propulsion (better than Hydrazine) Micropropulsion 2 satellites in LEO (725 km) Mango (150 kg 6 DOF capability) Tango (45 kg ACS only) Mission control from SSC Stockholm Mango Tango
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep The project prime partners Prime, Mission, system design GNC and OBSW AIV and Operations GPS system and nav S/W POD FFRF nav instrument Vision Based Sensor HPGP motor system MEMS microthruster system GNC experiments
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Launch campaign, Yasny, May-2010 Launch campaign during 20 days Check-out of 2 S/C Mating Tango to Mango Filling/press. of three prop systems Mating to Dnepr system Tango mating Mating to Dnepr SHM HPGP fuelling
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Launch on June 15 Dnepr launch from Yasny Dual launch with CNES S/C Picard Separation over Africas horn Signal acquisition from Kiruna after 70 minutes All systems OK Courtecy Kosmotras
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Commissioning Systems Check-out Nominal and Redundant systems, both satellites GPS relative navigation check –GPS antenna offset perfectly known –Comparison with Precise Obit Determination (ground based) GPS antennas
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Tango Separation flight data - view on Mango Careful planning Attitude so that alongtrack motion 200 m/orbit dV after 3 orbits to stop alongtrack dift Safe orbit guidance
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Tango Separation flight data - view on Tango Tango ACS by magnetorquers only!! Tango sun acquisition after <10 minutes
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Separation, August 11 SSC separation system Alongtrack sep velocity 2 cm/s Compensation dV after 3 orbits Tango reached sunpointing after only single minutes (predicted 50) Excellent behaviour of Tango ACS
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep GPS calibration Characterization of GPS nav system Robustness to –Data gaps –dV manoeuvers –Tumbling –Antenna switches Result after tuning Centimeter accuracy
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep HPGP first test set Characterization of HPGP – ”High Performance Green Propulsion” 2000 thruster pulses fired with different pulse lengths and duty cyces Preliminary results: –Repeatable and predictable performance –Performance as predicted BETTER THAN HYDRAZINE
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep FFRF initial check-out RF-based relative navigation instrument Very promising results up to 10 km range: –range errror ~ 10 cm –LOS error ~ 1.5º FFRF open and closed loop FF experiments will follow
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Autonomous Formation Flying AFF 9 days complete motion of Mango relative Tango in alongtrack Closest approach 18 meter !! AFF in closed loop Resize, re-orient shift relative orbit Fully autonomous manoeuver planning and execution Fuel optimized
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Images from DVS camera - Techno Systems
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Target search/find Orbit alignment Autonomous RVD 100 km to 10 m Upcoming experiments – Autonomous RVD VBS photos overlayed during one orbit
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep Forced motion between hold points GPS or VBS Upcoming experiments – Proximity Ops Tango LED pattern
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep PRISMA – the In-Orbit Test Bench Basic systems have proved to be robust Less propellant consumed than expected dV WILL REMAIN AFTER BASIC MISSION NEW EXPERIMENTS CAN BE DESIGNED –Utilize existing S/W – tailor your own rendezvous –Upload new guidance, utilize onboard nav and control –Upload complete new GNC S/W
IAC 2010, Prague 27 Sep PRISMA – the In-Orbit Test Bench for FF and RVD INVITATION ! TAILOR YOU OWN USER EXPERIMENTS ON PRISMA Follow the mission on