Wea her Research Projects Please choose one of the following weather projects. Your project is due on ________________________. 1.“Believe It or Not!” Weather Book. Create a book that gives information and colorful illustrations about extremes in weather. Write 2-3 sentences about each event. For example, you could write about the hottest day on record in the United States. You must include 6 weather extremes. 2. Weather Lore Booklet. Make a colorfully illustrated booklet that includes at least 6 folktales (“old wives tales”) about how to predict the weather. Give any information that you can find about the origin (part of the country, state or region where the tale came from) of the folktale. 3.Weather Inventions. Make a booklet of 6-8 inventions that humans have created to make weather situations more tolerable (easier to deal with). Research the invention, and if possible, find who invented the item and when it was invented. Draw a colorful scene of someone using the invention, and write 1-2 sentences about how the invention helps us. For example, an umbrella is an invention created to protect people from the rain. 4.Postage Stamps. Design a series of 4 postage stamps that honor the following people: Galileo, Torricelli, Robert Hooke, and Thomas Forster. Each stamp must illustrate the inventor’s contribution to the study of the weather. Each stamp should be made on a quarter sheet of computer paper, then mounted onto construction paper. Make sure that you honoree’s name is on the postage stamp, as well as their contribution. Projects must chosen by _________________________ Project Chosen _____________________________________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________________________________
Wea her Research Projects Please choose one of the following weather projects. Your project is due on ________________________. 1.“Believe It or Not!” Weather Book. Create a book that gives information and colorful illustrations about extremes in weather. Write 2-3 sentences about each event. For example, you could write about the hottest day on record in the United States. You must include 8 weather extremes. 2.Weather Lore Booklet. Make a colorfully illustrated booklet that includes at least 6 folktales (“old wives tales”) about how to predict the weather. Choose one of the 6 tales to research further. Find out if scientists say the tale is true or not. Explain why the tale is or isn’t true. (Make the researched tale the last in the book!) 3.Weather Inventions. Make a booklet of 6 inventions that humans have created to make weather situations more tolerable (easier to deal with). Research the invention, and if possible, find who invented the item and when it was invented. Draw a colorful scene of someone using the invention, and write 1-2 sentences about how the invention helps us. For example, an umbrella is an invention created to protect people from the rain. Lastly, create your own invention! Then illustrate and explain its use on the last page of your book. 4.Postage Stamps. Design a series of 4 postage stamps that honor the following people: Galileo, Torricelli, Robert Hooke, and Thomas Forster. Each stamp must illustrate the inventor’s contribution to the study of the weather. Each stamp should be made on a quarter sheet of computer paper, then mounted onto construction paper. Make sure that you honoree’s name is on the postage stamp, as well as their contribution. Choose one of the honoree’s to research further. Write a paragraph including 4 interesting facts about his life. Projects must chosen by _________________________ Project Chosen _____________________________________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________________________________