Evaluation Tools and On-Line Systems Adapted from the Illinois PBIS Network
Pbisapps.org ● SWIS – School-Wide Information System ● PBIS Assessments ● School Evaluation Tool (SET) ● Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) ● Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
Outcomes of Session ▪ Introduction of Tier 1 Evaluation Tools ▪ Understand purpose of Tools ▪ Understand process of Tool completion ▪ Know where to complete surveys and generate reports on Dirty Data
● Effort data (Are we working the plan?) ● Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) ● Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) ● Outcome data (Is it having an effect?) ● Core Reports - Graphs ● Triangle % ● Fidelity data (Are we following the plan?) ● School Evaluation Tool (SET)
School-Wide Information System ● Brief introduction ● SWIS – ● Login as demo user ● ebs, ebs
Precise or Primary Statement? Children are using inappropriate language with a high frequency in the presence of both adults and other children. This is creating a sense of disrespect and incivility in the school. James D. is hitting others in the cafeteria during lunch, and his hitting is maintained by peer attention.
Precise or Primary Statement? ODRs during December are higher than in any other month. Minor disrespect and disruption are increasing over time, and are most likely during the last 15 minutes of our block periods when students are engaged in independent seat work. This pattern is most common in 7 th and 8 th grades, involves many students, and appears to be maintained by escape from work (but may also be maintained by peer attention… we are not sure).
Precise or Primary Statement? Three 5 th grade boys are name calling and touching girls inappropriately during recess in an apparent attempt to obtain attention. Boys are engaging in sexual harassment.
PBIS Assessment Account ▪School Evaluation Tool ▪Self Assessment Survey ▪Team Implementation Checklist 3.1
A Brief Overview of PBIS Assessment: School Account Login
Select “Surveys” Access your open survey by clicking on “Launch”
PBIS Assessment Reports Three reports are available for the Tools: Total Score Subscale Score Individual Item
School-Wide Evaluation Tool SET
School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) ● The SET is a research-validated instrument that is designed to assess and evaluate the critical features of school-wide effective behavior support across an academic school year.
Information Gathered Can Be Used To: Assess features that are in place Determine annual goals Evaluate on-going efforts Design and revise procedures Compare year to year efforts in the area of PBIS
SET Evaluates Questions Across Seven Featured Areas: Expectations defined Behavioral expectations taught Acknowledgement procedures Correction procedures Monitoring and evaluation Management District-level support
Self Assessment Survey (SAS)
▪ SAS assesses the extent to which PBIS practices and systems (essential components) are in place within a school School-wide Non-classroom Classroom Individual Student ▪ SAS provides entire staff (certified and non- certified) perspective
Self-Assessment Survey (SAS ) ▪ WHO: Completed by all teachers, staff and administrators in your school building ▪ WHAT: Examines the status and need for improvement of four behavior support systems (school-wide, classroom, non classroom, individual students) ▪ WHERE: At your school ▪ WHEN: Annually, usually at the beginning or towards the end of each school year ▪ HOW: All school staff take the survey online at PBIS Assessment:
Online View of Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
School-wide Non-classroom Classroom Individual SAS Total Score Report
SAS Subscale Report
SAS Individual Items Report
Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
▪ Self-assessment tool for monitoring the implementation of school-wide PBS ▪ Team self-assessment in six core areas Establish commitment Establish and maintain team Self-assessment Establish school-wide expectations Establish information system Build capacity for function-based support
Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) ▪ WHO: Completed by the Universal PBIS Team ▪ WHAT: Guides the development, implementation, monitoring and revision process for building a positive school culture ▪ WHERE: At your school during a Universal PBIS Team meeting ▪ WHEN: 3x per year ▪ HOW: One person, usually the Internal PBIS Coach, enters the data online at
Online View of Team Checklist Enter date the survey was completed
Enter the TIC Data
TIC Total Score Report
Windom’s Report
TIC Subscale Report
TIC Individual Items Report
What to think about when filling out your TIC. ● Realize you are just starting. It is okay if you don’t know or the answer is no. ● Be honest. ● The information will come back to help you develop PBIS in your school. ● Know that this is constantly needing development even if you have 100% in one TIC…keep working. ● This information and any other data, will help rest of staff understand how PBIS works and where more work is necessary.
Complete the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)