Conception Occurs Sperm fertilizes the ovum -> Zygote Zygote multiplies and moves towards the uterine walls -> eventually implants into the wall of the uterus After implantation, zygote becomes an embryo After 8 weeks, embryo becomes a fetus Words to KNOW: Ovulation Sperm Ovum Fertilizes Fallopian Tube Zygote Embryo Fetus
Conception Video Baby Center Fertilization pregnancy-fertilization_ bc
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Trimesters Months and Trimesters are a way to tell how far along a woman is! 3 trimesters 1 st trimester – Week nd trimester – Weeks rd trimester – Weeks MOST IMPORTANT TRIMESTER IS THE FIRST!!!!
How Does a Woman Know She is Pregnant? No Period Nausea Loss of appetite Possible weight loss Sensitivity to smells Fatigue Loss of energy during workouts Some women do not have ANY symptoms at all Women can NOT get their period while pregnant, however….. During implantation, light bleeding may occur Period of implantation generally occurs around the time of a woman’s period so it is commonly mistaken as a period Symptoms In MOM:NO SYMPTOMS????
JUST found out about Pregnancy…… Positive pregnancy test? NO need to take more than 1!!! Tests for hCG – hormone produced after the fertilized egg attaches to uterine wall (6 days after fertilization) Immediately – Begin taking Prenatal Vitamins Many women attempting to conceive take these ahead of time Due date is calculated based on the first day of a woman’s last period This means the day of conception is not the proper day to begin counting weeks!!!
Pregnancy and Nutrition Up calories by 300 High fiber Vitamin A – Develops baby’s eyes Calcium - Develops strong bones Folic Acid – Develops baby’s neural tube Soft cheese – unless pasteurized Undercooked meat Fresh juice Sushi Eggs uncooked – homemade mayo, cookie dough, homemade Caesar dressing Fish with mercury NO ALCOHOL!!!!!!! Limit caffeine Limit lunchmeat intake EATAVOID
Other Considerations…. No medications, including over-the counter drugs, unless approved by your doctor No drugs or alcohol No x-rays No saunas and hot tubs No vaccinations during pregnancy Avoid cats, cattle, sheep and pigs. They have a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis.
Call Doctor Immediately if Any of the Following Occur Vaginal bleeding Sharp abdominal pain or cramping Loss of fluid from the vagina Severe or prolonged nausea or vomiting Frequent dizzy spells Painful urination High fever over 100 degrees F. Vaginal discharge that is irritating
Month 1 - BABY First 4 weeks since woman’s last period…. Zygote is dividing and growing Inner cells become embryo Outer cells become the nourishment and protection Implants into uterine wall
Month 1 - MOM Missed period Fatigue Nausea Morning sickness Implantation spotting Heightened sense of smell Frequent urination Food aversions
Month 2 - BABY Beginning of the embryonic period Brain, spinal cord, heart, and other organs begin to form Heart begins pumping blood C-like shape Arm and leg buds form and turn to paddles Eye lenses and nostrils begin to form Ears and toes begin to form ¾” long by the end of the 2 nd month
Month 2 - MOM Uterus is enlarged - about the size of an orange Bigger uterus = more pressure on bladder! Fuller abdomen and legs – Clothes may begin to tighten Enlarging breasts – soreness Moodiness
Weeks 1-9 Baby Center Video
Month 3 - BABY Now called a fetus ” long Arms, hands, fingers, legs are fully developed Nails on fingers and toes are developing Begins to swallow and kick!!!
Month 3 - MOM 2 – 4 lbs. weight gain Uterus is about the size of a grapefruit!! Fatigued, nauseas, more frequent urination End of the first trimester
10-14 weeks 14_ bc 14_ bc
Month 4&5 - BABY First outlines of face begin to show Heartbeat clear First kicks and thumb-sucking Skull bones and others are developing At the end of 5 months, baby will be about 8 inches and 1 lb. 4 Months 5 months
Month 4&5 - MOM Discomforts of early pregnancy are gone Increased appetite Enlarged abdomen is obvious by 5 th month Fetal heartbeat is heard through stethoscope lb. weight gain
Weeks and Weeks _ bc 20_ bc 27_ bc 27_ bc
Month 6&7 - BABY Eyelids and eyebrows visible Can hear outside world Lungs are filled with fluid – begins practicing breathing movements Fingerprints are formed Turns towards bright light END of 7 = 3 ½ lbs and 12 inches
Month 6&7 - MOM Strong kicks End of month 6 = end of 2 nd trimester Abdomen enlarges Fatigue, heartburn, shortness of breath, leg cramps, ligament pains Posture is affected because of weight gain in 7 th month Expectant fathers take more interest because they feel the baby moving!!
Month 8 - BABY Begins to gain about ½ lb per week Weighs between 4-6 lbs Fat layers developing underneath skin Turning head down
Month 8 - MOM Backaches, leg cramps, fatigue, strong kicks and movement Shortness of breath Gained about lbs.
BABY CENTER – weeks 37_ bc 37_ bc
Month 9 - BABY 6-9 lbs inches Lungs develop in prep for breathing independently Head down position Moving less because of the less space! Baby “drops” - Lightening
Month 9 - MOM Able to breath better because of baby dropping - lightening Weight gain of lbs. False labor pains – Braxton Hicks Contractions
Weight Gain During Pregnancy Baby – 7 ½ pounds Placenta – 1 ½ pounds Uterus – 2 pounds Amniotic fluid – 1 ½ pound Extra blood and water – 4 ½ pounds Breast tissue – 3 pounds Maternal stores of protein – 4 pounds