Walk-In Copy the agenda for the week. REMINDER: Science HW Project (Essay on the Glen Canyon Dam) is DUE NEXT MON. FEB. 22! Make sure you figure out computer use and printing BEFORE CLASS on Monday!
Ocean Zones
Make your fold-up book. Fold your paper in half once, as shown in the diagrams.
Fold in half again…
Fold in half one last time… Paper has been folded so there are 8 boxes formed.
Draw over the fold lines on the front and back.
Label the boxes 1 to 8 on the front, and 9 to 16 on the back.
Write your name and period # in BOX 16.
Follow the directions on each slide that follows. Some slides tell you to take notes. Some slides are for you to read or observe. Some slides may have links to click.
Box 1 - The Five Ocean Zones Make a quick sketch of this diagram in the box 1 of your fold-up book. DO NOT spend too long on the sketch! Sunlight Zone Twilight Zone Midnight Zone Abyss Trenches
Take notes in box 2 - Sunlight Zone Sunlight Zone Lots of light ft. 90% of marine life Dolphin Green plants
Take notes in box 3 – Twilight Zone Twilight ft. Water beginning to get darker Temperature decreases Pressure increases Shark Very little light
Midnight Less food Less animal life Bioluminescence Take notes in box 4 – Midnight Zone
Abyss Very dark Scarce food supplies Organisms grow slowly High water pressure Goes to ocean floor Remains of marine life from upper zones Fewer life forms Take notes in box 5 - Abyss
Take notes in box 6 - Trenches Trench: very deep, long cavity bordering a continent or an island arc Forms when one tectonic plate slides beneath another.
Review - read again! Ocean Zones
Leave box 7 for now– JUST READ THIS SLIDE AND COME BACK IF YOU HAVE TIME TO WRITE AT THE END! Scientific Names of the Ocean Zones Write the words in yellow! 1.Epipelagic Zone (Sunlight Zone) 2.Mesopelagic Zone (Twilight Zone) 3.Bathypelagic Zone (Midnight Zone) 4.Abyssopelagic Zone (The Abyss) 5.Hadalpelagic Zone (The Trenches)
Look at these graphs. Answer in box 8 – How does ocean light change as you go deeper? Which color of light goes the deepest? (Click for answers. Write words in yellow.). Light decreases as depth increases. Blue light goes the deepest.
Take notes in box 9 - Bioluminescence Bioluminescence is the production and of light by a living organism. The organism gives off light and glows Click here to see some examples of bioluminescent creatures.Click here Write the names of two bioluminescent creatures in box 9.
Box 10 – Take notes The Ocean Floor Oceanographers discovered the shape of the ocean floor by measuring the depth of the floor in many places. They used sonar and radar to help map the floor.
Box 11 – Ocean Floor Sonar is a system for detecting objects under water and for measuring the water's depth. Sound waves are sent out from the surface, and they measure the sound waves’ return after being reflected by what is below.
Box 12 – Diagram of Sonar Sketch and label the diagram below. ( sends out sound) Sound wave is reflected back up to detector. Helps create shape of ocean floor.
Sketch this in boxes 13 through 15 – Ocean Floor Draw it the best that you can!
Read these definitions of ocean floor features… A.Shoreline: line which marks the edge of the ocean water B.Continental Shelf: shallow, submerged part of the continent just off shore C.Continental Slope: land from continent’s end to ocean floor D.Trench: narrow, very deep valley E.Guyot: underwater volcanic mountain F.Abyssal Plain: flat, nearly level areas; forms most of the ocean floor G.Ridges: great underwater mountain ranges H.Rift: valleys between ridges
Box 16 Make sure you have written your name and period # in box 16!