Overview of nursing research Nursing research 471 Rawhia salah Assistant Prof. Of Nursing 2015/2016
What it is? why it is ? How to use it correctly ? What are the roles of nurse in research? What it is? why it is ? How to use it correctly ? What are the roles of nurse in research? Nursing Research
RE – SEARCH The word was derived from the old French word meaning to “seek or search”. The prefix re means “again” and signifies replication of the search. One seeks new knowledge or to directly utilize knowledge specific to life situations. Definition of research
It is a systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to answer questions or solve problems. The ultimate goal of research is to develop, improve and expand a body of knowledge.
It is a systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing profession, including nursing practice, education, administration and informatics. (Polit and Beck (2004)) Definition of Nursing research
To adopt an evidence-based nursing practice (EBP( To improve competent nursing practice To increase body of knowledge To develop new ideas and approaches To improve personal and professional development To improve patient outcomes Importance of Nursing Research
Classification of research Basic research Applied research A A
BASIC research aims to is undertaken to extend the base of knowledge in a discipline, or to formulate or refine a theory, rather than for solving an immediate problem. APPLIED research is concerned with finding solution to an existing problem. Classification of research
Quantitative research Qualitative research B B
Quantitative research is an objective and systematic process in which the numerical data are used to obtain information. It is used to describe variables, examine relationships among variables. Classification of research
Qualitative research is a systematic, interactive and subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. It is conducted to describe and promote understanding of human experience such as pain, caring and comfort. Results presented as narrative data Classification of research
1. Selection of topic 2. Reviewing the literature 3. Development of theoretical and conceptual frameworks 4. Clarification of research question/hypothesis 5. Research design 6. Data collection 7. Data analysis and interpretation 8. Drawing conclusions 12 The research process
Researcher characteristics
1. Principal investigator 2. Member of a research team 3. Identifier of researchable problems 4. Evaluator of research findings Roles of nurse in research
5. User of research findings 6. Patient/client advocate during studies 7. Subject/participant in studies Role of nurse in research
1.Principal investigator To be a principal investigator, special research preparation is necessary. The nurse is responsible for designing, conducting, and monitoring the protocol Role of nurse in research
2. Member of a research team Nurses can serve as members of a research team. They may act as data collectors or administer the experimental intervention of the study. Role of nurse in research
3. Identifier of researchable problems All nurses, from associate degree to doctoral- level preparation, have the responsibility of trying to identify areas of needed research. Role of nurse in research
4. Evaluator of research findings Every nurse should be involved in the evaluation of research findings (research critique). Role of nurse in research
5. User of Research Findings Nurses should implement findings from specific research studies in order to see that these findings are actually put into nursing practice. Role of nurse in research
6. Patient/Client Advocate During Studies All nurses have the responsibility to act as patient/client advocates when their patient/clients are involved in research. This advocacy involves making sure that the ethical aspects of research are upheld. Role of nurse in research
6. Patient/Client Advocate During Studies Nurses should help answer questions and explain a study to potential participants before the study begins. They also might be available during the study to answer questions or provide support to study participants. Role of nurse in research
7. Subject/Participant in Studies Nurses may act as subjects or participants in research. Many nurses (including me) are involved in a long-term survey study, the Nurses’ Health Study, being conducted by researchers Role of nurse in research