Unit I: Get Started Karen Pennington, PhD, RN Associate Professor Regis University Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professionals Loretto Heights School of Nursing
What is nursing research? Nursing research is a systematic inquiry that uses rigorous guidelines to produce bias-free, trustworthy answers to questions about nursing practice. WHAT???
The Goal of Nursing Research To generate new knowledge to inform the practice of nursing
But, how is Research different from EBP?
Why the Big Deal about Research and EBP? Society demands quality care Policymakers desire evidence Patients demand safety Need to show measurable outcomes… Nurses desire to grow the body of nursing knowledge Scientific Knowledge is Tentative…
NOW… “…Show me the evidence.” “What’s the evidence for what you are doing?” Evidence?
Why not -the way we’ve always done it? Consumer awareness Impediment example: Genetics, genomics, proteomics, pharmacogenomics My competency of today can become my error of tomorrow! BE INFORMED! (Fox & Fallows, 2003)
But, how do I know that the research I find is good science to use as evidence??
Ethical dilemma? -Good science is flawed?? Scientist from the 20 th century, Thomas Kuhn: Scientist’s not only choose the topic of research based upon their worldview, but they also choose the analysis of that topic based upon their worldview…
Appraising Research-1 ST STEP author & journal Author’s credentials are appropriate No conflict of interest for author or journal Journal is unbiased Study is peer reviewed Study is timely
What kinds of evidence? 4 Levels of Evidence Level I Studies Multiple randomized controlled trials Randomized trial with large sample sizes / large effect sizes Level II Studies At least one well designed randomized trial Single randomized trial with small samples Single trials with small / moderate effect sizes
4-Levels of Evidence Level III Studies IIIA: Well designed trials without randomization IIIB: Studies of intact groups or case/control IIIC: Time series / quasi-experimental Level IV Studies Evidence from integrative reviews Qualitative synthesis Case series / uncontrolled studies / experts
----what are the rigorous and systematic steps of a good research study?
Ways of Knowing Patterns of knowing… Empirics-science Ethical-moral compass Aesthetics- art,meaning Personal-experiential Praxis: Thoughtful reflection that leads to nursing action
2 Paradigms in Research An overall belief system Paradigms power Perception
Research Paradigms Quantitative Study Traditional research where variables are identified and measured in a reliable and valid way Qualitative Study A natural approach to research, focus is understanding the meaning of an experience from the individual’s perspective
ElementQuantitativeQualitative View of Reality Objective and measurable Constructed by individuals Context Reality separate from context Reality embedded in context ResearcherObjective, detached Personally involved PopulationsSamplesCases
ElementQuantitativeQualitative Measures Observable phenomena Meanings created by individuals DesignPreconceived; highly controlled Emergent; adaptable AnalysisStatisticsAnalytic induction GeneralizationTo defined populations Transfer knowledge
Mixed Methods Research approach that combines quantitative and qualitative elements; involves the measurable state of a phenomenon and the individual’s subjective response to it
Research Classifications Basic research Theoretical, pure, fundamental, or bench research done to advance knowledge in a given subject area Applied research Research to gain knowledge that has a practical application and contributes in some way to a modification of practice
Sources of Law to obey- Institutional Accreditation Standards Institutional License Institutional Standards of Care Practice Guidelines Job Description P/P
Evaluating Legal Issues in Research—good science… Article should reference: IRB approval was received Informed consent was obtained Protection of data privacy is described (Requirements of HIPAA are met)
summary Author’s credentials IRB Approval