Cocaine Is It Worth It…
Cocaine From the plant called Erythroxylon coca, cocaine is a local anesthetic and central nervous system stimulant. It can be taken by chewing on coca leaves, smoked, inhaled ("snorted") or injected.
History of Cocaine In early history explorers found the native people of South America were stay awake by chewing on coca leaves. In 1860, Albert Neiman made cocaine from the coca leaf and he introduced how when place under the tongue, cocaine served as an anesthetic. In the early 1880’s, Angelo Mariani, produced a "medicinal" wine, called Vin Mariani, that was 11% alcohol and 6.5 mg of cocaine in every ounce. In 1884 the famous psychotherapist, Sigmund Freud, recommended cocaine for many illnesses and for alcohol and morphine addictions. Many of his patients went on to become addicted to cocaine instead of the morphine or alcohol! In 1886, John Pemberton developed Coca Cola, that contained cocaine and caffeine. Cocaine was REMOVED from Coca Cola in 1906 (but it still has the caffeine). The Harrison Narcotic Act in 1914 made cocaine illegal. Finally, in 1985, crack cocaine was introduced and rapidly became a major drug problem.
Effects of Cocaine on the Nervous System Within a few seconds to a few minutes after it is taken, cocaine can cause: a feeling of euphoria excitement reduced hunger a feeling of strength
Believe this, After these feelings that lasts about one hour, users of cocaine may "crash" into a period of depression. The crash is what causes cocaine users to seek more, more and more cocaine to get out of this depression and the end results is addiction.
Think of this… Withdrawal from cocaine can cause the addict to feel Depressed Anxious Paranoid After using an addicted person may go into a period of exhaustion where they may sleep for a very long time, sometimes days.
Cocaine causes neurological and behavioral problems like … dizziness headache movement problems anxiety insomnia depression hallucinations
Can’t Stop… Cocaine is highly "reinforcing": when it is given to animals, they will give it to themselves. In fact, if animals are given the choice, they will put up with electrical shocks and give up food and water if they can get cocaine. People like you and me give up; Jobs & Careers Family Homes Pets Everything…
Cocaine Affects the Brain… Cocaine acts by blocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain. Therefore, these neurotransmitters stay in the synaptic cleft for a longer time. Research has also shown that cocaine can also cause the release of dopamine from neurons in the brain.
How about Jail… Using Cocaine… Holding Cocaine… Selling Cocaine… Buying Cocaine… Touching Cocaine… = felony It’s ALL ILLEGAL and will eventually lead to JAIL and it will leave its mark on you forever…
After Jail… It doesn’t matter how good that you have been, a FELONY on your adult record is permanent and it can affect… Jobs College Freedom All around the consequences are bad…
Families destroyed… Addicted person’s do things that they never normally would, like Lie to… Cheat … Steal from… family in order to get more drugs or the money to buy them… Even the strongest families get broken up over cocaine use…
And the Money… Cocaine is expensive and the way it causes the user to want more, more and more…You will never be able to count on a financial future for yourself if you are stuck using cocaine…it is more probable that you will be broke, homeless and owe everyone you know money…
It’s Ultimately up to you… You choose what you want… The possibilities are endless… The World is at your fingertips… Life… vs
Death… Death caused by too much cocaine (an overdose) is not uncommon. Cocaine can cause large increases in blood pressure that may result in bleeding within the brain. Constriction of brain blood vessels can also cause a stroke. An overdose of cocaine can cause breathing and heart problems that could result in death.