Dr. Faustus Themes Ambition –The play is a study in ambition –The hero is an “overreacher” who strives against human limitations –Faustus tries to do more than is humanly possible; he seeks to know, possess, and experience everything under the sun –The play glorifies ambition and criticizes ambition –Faustus’ larger-than-life dreams are cut down to size by the ironies of Mephistophilis
Dr. Faustus Themes Concepts of Hell – three concepts of Hell –The absence of God according to Mephistophilis –Church says it is a pit of fire –Faustus claims there is no Hell
Dr. Faustus Themes Christians vs. Classic Ideals –Greeks had a pantheon of gods, believed in humanity, extolled the perfection of the human body and clarity of human thought –Medieval church had an opposite view; reason was suspect and the flesh was the devil’s snare –Christian ideals are more severe and personified by the Old Man; Helen’s beauty is not trusted, but he Old Man’s counsel is sound
Dr. Faustus Themes Free Will vs. Determinism –Faustus’ damnation is inevitable and has been decided in advance; he struggles to repent but is browbeaten by devils; he is barred from salvation by the forces of Hell –All this is of his own volition (free will); he makes a pact with the devil to satisfy his lust for power –Faustus chooses his own fate
Dr. Faustus Themes Atheist or Christian play? –Faustus has a Christian moral but commits a mortal sin and goes to Hell for it –He denies God and is therefore denied God’s mercy –Marlowe was known to be an atheist and has put a lot of blasphemy in the play
Dr. Faustus Themes Diversions –Hell has a lot of gimmicks to keep Faustus from thinking about death and damnation –Devils provide distracting shows, fireworks, and pageants for his entertainment –He tries to preoccupy his mind by feasting, drinking, and playing pranks –These diversions keep Faustus from turning his attention to God and the salvation of his soul