Anatomical Position
Feet together, forward & slightly turned out Eyes forward and horizontal with the top of the ears Arms at side - no bones crossed Palms facing upward (supine position)
Frankfort Plane (1884) for determining anatomical position of the head. The inferior orbit of the eye is in In direct line with the external acoustic meatus (the opening of ear into the skull) Anatomical position of the Head
Radius Ulna Supination Pronation Ulna Radius
Anatomical Planes
Sagittal Parasagittal LateralMedial
Coronal or Frontal Oblique Transverse or Axial
Anatomical Direction
Superior Inferior Right Left Midline Medial Lateral Proximal Distal
Anterior Posterior
Superior or Cranial Inferior or Caudal
Cephalic Cervical Thoracic Abdominal Pubic Femoral Crural Tarsal Plantar
Supination Palmar surface Pronation Dorsal surface
Plantar surface of foot
Dorsal surface of foot
Inferior margin of the scapula Distal third of the humerus Medial Margin of the scapula Proximal third of the radius