Tucson Handweavers and Spinners Guild 2011Fashion Show and Tea
Raffle baskets were beautiful and highly prized !
Buy your raffle basket tickets here Left: Dee Solis and Pam Bisson Raffle Basket Co- Chairs Tea pots and cozies were also for sale
Everyone needed a name tag Above : Shirley Dornberg and Marcia Fleming, Registration Chair. Right : Nellie Zeigler, Marcia and Carol Ledbetter
Left: Marcia and Roxanne DeLorme Right: Marcia, Gail Lively and a Fashion Show Guest
Our Boutique Judy Loabbaka, Mary’s guest, Ruth Teller, Mary Weinzirl, Boutique Chair.
Bunnie Rothwell
Zarah Earles
Signature labels
Gorgeous garments !
Left: Bunnie and Jan Smith Right: Judy, Mary Frances Fisk and Connie Lopez
Above: Ken Ledbetter and “Company”
Setting Up Leeann Herriman, Holiday Inn Event Coordinator and Lura Moore, Fashion Show Chair
Walking Down Memory Lane Above: Karen Herhold, Assistant Fashion Show Chair Right: Karen and Lura
Above: Rowie Welch and Zarah
Right: Close up of Mary Isham’s “Sweater of my Life” Left: Mickey Pennington’s ”Joseph’s Vest of Many Colors”
Left: Lynn Silberschlag’s “Home on the Range” Memory Lane Entry Above: Lynn Silberschlag’s “Singing in the Rain” Memory Lane Entry
Above: Esther Hughes’ son, John, admires his mom’s “Summer in Tucson” Memory Lane entry
Study Groups on Display Above: Elaine Ross, Karen Samson and Sally Hall
Above: Roxanne and the Basketry Study Group Display
Above: Jacque Howell and Jill Holbrook, Fashion Show Program/Graphics Chair. at the Spinning Study Group Display.
Above: Pauline Doyle, Fashion Show Education Chair at the Knitting Study Group’s Display
Above: Curt Dornberg at the Book Arts’ Study Group Display
Above: Surface Design Study Group Display
Above: Porrey Cross Study Group Display
Left: Betty Headrick hanging tapestries Right: Tapestry Study Group Display
Above: Felting Study Group Display
Left: Connie, Zarah, Sandy Bradbury Sarah Sammons, Fashion Show Decorations (Teapots) Chair Right: Judith Segel, Sally Hall and Brittany Keppler
Above: TH&SG President, Rebecca Fabos, Mary, Connie Lopez and Sandy Bradbury
Some Tea Pots and Cozies
Finalizing the script Heather Ordover and Sarah Sammons
“Listen carefully” says Sgt.Suzy Suzy Swann, stage manager, Micki Johns, Maggi Henthorne and Leslie Heros
“We’re listening, Sgt.Suzy! “
But first ……let’s eat!
Greg Starr provided our music
Lura’s words of welcome
Lynn Davis in Pinki Nutter’s Ski Attire Connie Connelly Lopez
Cynthia McDaniel “Shimmering Shoulder Web” Carol Nelson in Pauline Doyle’s vest
Jan Smith in Bunnie Rothwell’s jacket Mary Frances Fisk
Brittany Keppler in Sue Thompson’s “Reef Song” ensemble Marcia Halligan
Heather comments on the garments A Fashion Show guest takes a close look at Pinki Nutter’s jacket.
Jan Smith in Bunnie ‘s “Arizona Alpaca Delicious” Jill Holbrook
Carol Nelson and Margo Nickel’s hat, Judith Shangold
Lynn Davis in Pinki Nutter’s Reversible Jacket
Here come da rugs !
Carol Nelson in Pauline Doyle’s cape Mickey Pennington
Mary Frances Fisk Lora Keppler in Sally Hall’s “Grecian Goddess ”
Judith Shangold “ Judith Segel
Mickey Pennington Lori Lesselroth in Lynn Lesselroth’s pajama ensemble
. Above: Leslie Heros and Carol Koretz Right: Pinki Nutter
Photography by Ted Fleming