Weaving Web Accessibility into an Organization Janine Harig Cynthia York Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland
Agenda Introductions Our Journey Lessons Learned Feedback
Introduction In order to be successful in implementing web accessibility into your organization, you need: __________________. TIMELINE: Fall Initial meeting of library staff and disability coordinator to share information about web accessibility.
About Us Private university Decentralized 8 autonomous schools Total enrollment 15,000 TIMELINE: Winter Reviewed peer institution data. Identified possible committee members. Conducted pilot study.
In the Beginning Initial Committee Human Resources Office of Disabilities University Library Student Technology Services TIMELINE: Fall Initial meeting of library staff and disability coordinator to share information about web accessibilityTIMELINE: Spring Presented pilot study results to disability coordinators and web guidelines subcommittee.
Pilot Study WCAG Priority 1 Bobby Pass/Fail = 24/102 68 Missing alt text TIMELINE: Summer Explored conference speakers. Drafted brochure. Contacted legal dept and CIO.
Process TIMELINE: Fall Elected to create web site instead of brochure. Reviewed other school web accessibility policies.
Policy Peer Institutions Letter to US President TIMELINE: Winter First web accessibility conference. Offered introductory workshops. 150 people attended.
Policy Statement Guidelines TIMELINE: Spring Continued web accessibility policy review. Developed job description. Worked on web site.
Technology Obtain a baseline of internal resources Investigate external resources Communicate resources available TIMELINE: Fall Repeated pilot study of internal web pages. Planned publicity for web site launch.
Successes Website Conferences Diversity Award Expanded committee base Job Specifications Quality Speakers TIMELINE: Spring Launched web site. Offered introductory workshops. Received diversity leadership award.
Challenges Communication Funding Endorsement Position Descriptions Momentum TIMELINE: Summer Developed job specification recommendations. Began planning 2 nd conference.
Lessons Learned Organizational Culture Committee Flexibility Iterative Process TIMELINE: Fall Offered introductory workshop. Explored additional courses with Training & Education staff.
Next Steps TIMELINE: Winter Held 2 nd conference. Implemented listserv. Formed policy, technical, and training subcommittees.
Toolkit What You Can Do Checklists The Law TIMELINE: Spring Collaborated with Training & Education to conduct two Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) workshops.
Questions? TIMELINE: Fall Policy review by provost. Planning 3 rd conference. Expanding committee membership.