Institutional Strengthening Strategy of the National Anticorruption Centre Ion NASTAS, Ph.D.
Constitutive Elements of the Institutional Strengthening Strategy of NAC 1.To provide the independence of NAC towards undue pressures and influences 2.To improve the capacities to prevent and combat corruption at all levels 3.To obtain public support for anticorruption efforts
Objective 1: Independence 1.1. Change of place of NAC in the system of law enforcement bodies (placing under parliamentary control), approval of the structure and staffing scheme 1.2. Change of the procedure for appointment and removal from office of the administration of NAC in order to release such positions from undue pressures, introduce professionalism criteria to select candidates for such positions 1.3. Increase of financial reward along with staff accountability 1.4. Providing stability of position and perspectives for career advancement of officers
Objective 2: Increased Capacities 2.1. Providing sufficient budget for the effective exercise of the duties of NAC 2.2. Appropriate adaptation of the internal structure of NAC (organigram), drawing up and approval of job description of NAC employees, according to the role and competences as revised of NAC 2.3. Strengthening capacities of NAC to prevent corruption 2.4. Development of analytical capacities of NAC, including development of capacities to conduct financial investigations for the purpose of detecting and confiscating property unlawfully obtained
Objective 2: Increased Capacities 2.5. Strengthening capacities of NAC to investigate corruption and related acts 2.6. Clarifying and streamlining procedural competences of NAC and their delimitation of other criminal prosecution authorities 2.7. Improving criminal legislative and criminal procedure frame to remove difficulties in criminal prosecution of corruption offenses, according to the standards and recommendations of international organizations 2.8. Development of performance indicators of NAC, depending on the complexity and efficiency of the criminal prosecution (completion of cases)
Objective 3: Public Support 3.1. Launching and maintaining a public information campaign about main objectives and guidelines of reforming the NAC 3.2. Further increase of transparency and strengthening of public communication component of NAC 3.3. Making efficient the monitoring of NAC by civil society 3.4. Expanding collaboration of NAC with civil society
Premises of efficient implementation - Clear political will to promote all elements of the reform - Allocating resources necessary to reform and operate NAC - Parallel reforms undertaken in justice sector and law enforcement authorities - Changing the legal framework necessary to an efficient fight against corruption
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