Bell Work
What is Propaganda? Propaganda is a type of persuasion that attempts to influence the audience to act for or against a specific cause or position. There are many different techniques such as appealing to the emotions of the audience or only providing one side of an argument
Bandwagon An appeal to others to conform to be on the cool, popular, or winning side. Example: "All the kids are doing it!"
Verizon Wireless What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel?
Card Stacking A way of presenting only a positive idea or proposal and leaving out any possible negative information. Example: "It's cool, fun, and hip!"
Camel Cigarettes What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel? What aren’t they telling the reader?
Glittering Generality A technique which applies appealing words to a product or idea, but provides no actual argument. Example: WOW! COOL! NEATO!
McDonalds What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel?
Name Calling A type of argument that uses negative pictures to argue its point. Example: "Forget those naysayers! It's fun!"
Mitt Romney What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel?
Plain Folks An appeal to the familiar and common by using slang terms or accents to make the audience feel connected to the proposal. Example: "Billy Joe's Texas Hats are the best y'all!"
KFC What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel?
Testimonial A technique which uses the image of someone, someplace, or something that is already famous to endorse the idea. Example: "Even the President uses our product!"
Covergirl What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel?
Transfer A type of argument that compares positive or negative qualities of a person, entity, object, or value to another idea to endorse or discredit the second. Example: Real Americans drink Mountain Dew!
Coke Vs. Pepsi What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel?
Repetition The repeated use of the product brand or name in the message.
What is it advertising? How is it supposed to make the reader feel?