CHAPTER 1 EVERY TRIP IS A QUEST By: Stacie Tolliver, Sara Butler and Kristina Waller
5 COMPONENTS THAT A QUEST CONSISTS OF: 1)A quester 2)A place to go 3)A stated reason to go there 4)Challenges and trials en route 5)A real reason to go there
1. What is a quest?
ANSWER A journey of a character throughout a work of literature
QUESTIONS 2. Who were the main questers in The Kite Runner?
ANSWERS Amir Baba Hassan
3.What was Amir’s quest?
ANSWER Earning Baba’s affection.
4. What was Baba’s quest?
ANSWER Redeeming himself
ANSWER 5. What was Hassan’s quest?
ANSWER To prove his loyalty to Amir
6. What challenges and trials did Amir face?
ANSWER Entering the kite tournament
7. What challenges or trials did Baba face?
ANSWER Getting downgraded by others and saying he would never amount to anything
8. What challenges or trials did Hassan face?
ANSWER Rape and getting made fun of
9. How could you parallel Amir and Hassan's quest?
ANSWER Amir and Hassan were both searching for someone’s attention
10. What is the real reason for a quest?
ANSWER Self-knowledge
11. What are the five components of a quest?
ANSWER 1.Quester 2.The place to go 3.Stated reason to go 4.Challenges and trials en route 5.Real reason to go there
12. Is a person’s quest always succeeded?
ANSWER No. The quester often fails at the stated task and many of the stated goals fade away throughout their quest.