Share In The Conversation May 22, 2010 Making it “Pop!”: Going Viral with Multi-Tactic Campaigns Justin Goeres Product Marketing Manager / Senior Engineer JKI Software
Popcorn Tweets Credit: Fireworks Popcorn
Popcorn Tweets To see the movie, just go to YouTube (or Google!) and search for “Popcorn Tweets”
So What Happened Next? Credit: Flags from wikipedia; Logos copyright their respective companies.
+10% web traffic (1 month) +5% sales (1 month) +300 Facebook fans (>100% increase) Credit: Fireworks Popcorn
LEGO Robots
Kittens, Twitter, Popcorn
Multi-Tactic Campaign
Play him off, Keyboard Cat
Multi-Tactics Tweet About It Update Your Facebook Status Friends / Colleagues Send LinkedIn Messages to Acquaintances
Multi-Tactics Harass Your Family Post in Domain-specific Online Forums Appeal Directly to Selected Professional Contacts
Keeping It Going
17 15 Minutes of Fame 19
Keeping It Going ReTweet It Follow up personally Behind The Scenes / Tech Docs Talk About What You Did
Take Home Points Fortune favors the prepared. Once you’ve got the stone moving, it’s not hard to turn it over one more time. The Internet is a big place, but...
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