Language Skills Analysis Questions: Imagery
Questions about Analysis Questions 1.Where should I look for the answer to the question? 2.How many marks is it worth? 3.What type of question is it: Understanding, Analysis or Evaluation? 4.Which language features am I being asked to comment on (sentence structure, word choice, imagery and/or tone)?
Imagery Imagery questions focus on the way the writer has used particular images, or figures of speech, to put his/her ideas across. Imagery refers to range of literary techniques that are ways of describing things in order to help the reader visualise them more clearly. The three most common types of imagery are: Similes Metaphors Personification When asked to comment on imagery, you should re-read the section of the passage the question directs you to, attempting to find examples of imagery.
Imagery - Definitions Similes These compare one object to another by suggesting that the two things are like each other. They are usually identified by the use of the words “like” or “as”. “ The boy ran as fast as the wind. ” “I t was like he was glued to his seat with fear. ” Metaphors These compare one object to another by suggesting that the two things are the same as each other. “ The boy transformed into a whirling tornado. ” “ He was glued to his seat with fear. ” Personification This technique compares an inanimate object to a human, by giving it human characteristics, moods, reactions, etc. “ The floorboards groaned in complaint as the fat man walked across the room.”
Comparison Imagery - Structure When commenting on the use of imagery, it is helpful to do the following: 1.Identify the image being used. Identify the literal and figurative parts of the image. 2.Explain what the feature you have identified contributes to the passage: a)Explain the literal meaning / root of the image. b)Explain the figurative meaning of the image: make a sensible connection with what the writer is trying to say at that point in the passage. For example: “The fish shot through the water like a bullet.” Bullets are small, metal objects that are fired from guns and travel at great speed, in a straight line. This suggests that the fish was moving extremely quickly, and in a straight line.
Imagery in “Nineteen Eighty-Four” Winston encounters the Parsons children when he visits their house to fix a blocked pipe (p18). “Suddenly they were both leaping round him, shouting “Traitor!” and “Thought-criminal!” the little girl imitating her brother in every movement. It was somehow slightly frightening, like the gambolling of tiger cubs which will soon grow up into man-eaters.” How does the writer use imagery to illustrate the threat that he believes these children present?